
ELITE's support staff are here to provide support for faculty and staff at Montgomery
College. Each campus has an onsite support staff person to assist faculty and staff
members. However, the support staff also have the additional responsibilities of facilitating
workshops and can be away from their offices at times, it’s recommended that faculty/staff
set up specific appointment times in which to meet with them if necessary. You can
also leave voice mail messages requesting assistance. Many Blackboard issues can be
resolved by selecting the Blackboard option after calling the IT Service Desk at (240)
Faculty questions regarding Blackboard use can reach out to the Blackboard Help Desk for assistance. This service is available weeknights 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at:
- Self-Help Articles / Create a case: Blackboard Support Centernew window
- Email:
- Phone: 240-567-7222, select option #2 for Blackboard Support
Faculty can schedule a consultation for in-depth Blackboard Support at:
- Booking for Phone Consultationnew window
- Can also be found at Blackboard Support Centernew window
The following are tutorials on Closed Caption, and also tutorials with instructions how to use the Automation Captions in YouTube. If you need assistance with video captioning, please contact Nghi Nguyen (x1953).
- How to Access Video Captions (PDF,
- How to Edit Captions (PDF,
- How to Save Captions (PDF,
- How to Delete Captions (PDF,
- How to Add Captions (PDF,
- How to Publish and Unpublish Captions (PDF,
- How to Upload Videos in YouTube (PDF,
- How to Copy A Video Transcript from YouTubenew window
- How to Embed Video in Blackboard (PDF,
Need help with capturing a PowerPoint presentation on your desktop computer, or recording a video for class or MC-related work project? ELITE can help!
Contact ELITE at with your video project support questions. If one of our staff members can assist, we will contact you right away.
The following is a list of things ELITE staff member can help faculty/staff with regrading video project:
- Video caption
- Video recording (please contact ELITE to see if we can assist with video recording)
- Desktop presentation screen capture
- Video editing
Accommodating students with disabilities is required of all Montgomery College faculty regardless of their teaching environment. One of the most commonly prescribed accommodations is extra time for completing tests and exams. For faculty whose courses are delivered on Blackboard, providing extra time can be accomplished in several ways:
1. Duplicating tests/exams for release to one student
Once a test or exam has been created in a Blackboard course site, an exact duplicate of it can be created, with different settings, for release to only one student. This is the simplest and least time-consuming system for accommodating students with disabilities. Grade book entries and calculations can easily be adjusted so that insertion of extra tests and exams does not alter the accuracy of total scores for the entire class or for the individual student.
2. Adjusting test/exam settings
Many faculty collaborate with students with disabilities to establish a semester-long test-taking schedule. Since a Blackboard assessment can have only one set of parameters, this requires establishing specific times during which the assessment will be made available only to the student with a disability. The instructor and student may establish a regular time, after the class has completed an assessment, during which the assessment will be available with altered settings, i.e., extended time, to this student. While this system works well, it imposes a responsibility on the instructor to be available at specific times to change assessment settings. Some instructors may be unable to make that semester-long commitment.
3. Placing tests/exams in an Assessment Center
Tests and exams for individual students can be placed in any one of the three campus assessment centers. However, this is perhaps the least satisfying and least accommodating solution, particularly if tests/exams for other members of the class can be completed online. Although some Blackboard students have indicated a willingness to go to one of the assessment centers, this should seldom be necessary. Blackboard has built-in capacities for accommodating students with disabilities.
If you are unsure how to duplicate a test, change Blackboard settings, or adjust grade book entries, please contact one of the faculty support staff who will be glad to walk you through the steps. Click on Support on the menu then go to Onsite Tech Support.
Some Accessibility Links -
Accessibility at MCnew window
Maryland State Regulationsnew window
Design your website for accessibility, MC site with website checkersnew window
Access learning tutorialnew window