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Community Engagement

Beyond the campus and into the community
Students around a table with flyers talking with Community Engagement staff who are seated or standing

The Office of Community Engagement brings Montgomery College into the community. We work with businesses, schools, and nonprofits. We also offer workshops, help with enrollment, and attend local events to connect with people.

Our main goal is to support students and county residents, especially those in underserved areas. We help people take the next step toward success. Our staff speak many languages, and we offer translation and interpretation services.

Translation and Interpretation | Partnerships | FAQsContact Us


We offer a variety of services throughout Montgomery county. Contact our staffnew window for more information on any of the following.

Information Sessions
  • Programs of study for degree seeking students and those seeking workforce training
  • English as a Second Language (ESL) and GED programs
  • Paying for college
  • Career and job readiness
  • MC resources and more
Workfront Development Classes
  • Computers for the workplace
  • Child Development
  • MC certification/licensing programs
Individual Advising
  • Admissions and financial aid advising
  • FAFSA application assistance
  • Scholarship search
  • Academic and career advising

Translation and Interpretation

MC wants to make sure all students, staff, and county residents can access its services, no matter what language they speak.

You can always visit our language resource webpages, which have general information about MC in six languages: Spanish, French, Chinese, Korean, Amharic, and Vietnamese.

For the General Public: Talk to Someone in Your Language

If you prefer to speak in a language other than English, MC offers an interpreter service. If you know the office or person you need to contact, call their phone number and ask for an interpreter. If you're not sure who to call, dial 240-567-5000 and request an interpreter.

For MC Employees: Request Translations or an Interpreter

MC works with Schreiber Translations, Inc. to provide translation and interpretation services.

Faculty and staff can use these services to translate brochures, flyers, and other documents into different languages. They can also request in-person interpreters for college events.

To request written translation or spoken interpretation, contact Karla Silvestre or Katie Nguyen. Indicate the type of interpretation needed, such as:

  • Simultaneous interpretation (using headsets)
  • Consecutive interpretation (the interpreter speaks after the speaker finishes a sentence or phrase)

Also, provide important details like the event location, date, and number of attendees. Simultaneous interpretation includes headsets for up to 25 people. Please submit requests at least two weeks in advance. Last-minute requests may not be possible.

The Office of Community Engagement will pay for approved requests. They will decide based on available funds and will prioritize events that have shown a need for these services in the past.

If you have questions or would like more information, email Karla Silvestre or Katie Nguyen.

Sign Language Interpretation

To request sign language interpretation, please email or call 240-567-5412 with at least two weeks advance notice.

Community and Business Partnerships

MC partners with organizations and businesses to achieve mutually beneficial goals according to our strategic plan.

To explore partnership opportunities, contact Karla Silvestre

Frequently Asked Questions

The College is organized into departments including Academic Affairs (includes Workforce Development and Continuing Education), Student Affairs, Advancement and Community Engagement, and Administrative and Fiscal Services. The Office of Community Engagement can help you connect with the right partner or department. Each area will then decide if they wish to enter into the partnership. Please email Karla Silvestre, Director of Community Engagement, or call her at 240-567-4365.

Please email sponsorship packages to Karla Silvestre, Director of Community Engagement. Please note that we prioritize programs and events that help meet our strategic planning goals and support education, business engagement, youth, and college access with underserved communities. 

Please email sponsorship packages to Karla Silvestre, Director of Community Engagement. Please note that we prioritize programs and events that support education, youth and College engagement with underserved communities. 

Please email Karla Silvestre, Director of Community Engagement, with the details of the event including date, time, audience, type of event, and number of attendees expected.  Then we can help you find the appropriate person.

To invite someone to speak about Financial Aid, send an email with the details of your event.

Our Student Life Service Learning and Volunteer page provides contact information for all three campuses.
If the event benefits the College's students and staff, contact the office of Community Engagement. We may be able to post your event in our internal newsletter. Email details to Karla Silvestre, Director of Community Engagement.
Visit MC facilities rental website for contact information, rental policies and forms.
The College has a fee structure for facility rentals and some fees cannot be waived. Rental fee waivers are considered on a case by case basis if they help meet the goals of the College. Email Karla Silvestre, Director of Community Engagement, for more information or call her at 240-567-4365.

Contact Us

Community Engagement Staff

Contact our community engagement staff members.