ELITE Data Reports

The MC Open initiativenew window focuses on faculty redesigning courses using Open Educational Resources (OER) to leverage pedagogy that fosters student success while reducing costs and increasing access to course materials. Montgomery College is committed to providing OER course options leading to degree completion (commonly called Z-degrees).
- Fall 2023 Success Report and Dashboardnew window (log in using your MyMC credential to view interactive file)
- Spring 2024 Success Report and Dashboardnew window (log in using your MyMC credential to view interactive file)
- Fall 2024 OER Growth Report (PDF,
At Montgomery College, we use Blackboard new windowas the Learning Management System for faculty who teach fully online or blended courses. Blackboard features exciting social learning and teaching tools that foster more logical, visually impactful and active learning opportunities for students. Read more on some of the available Blackboard tools and applications below.
- Blackboard Analytics Fall 2023 (PDF,
The College is pleased to offer program, unit, and discipline areas the opportunity to create microcredentials. Microcredentialsnew window, also known as “badges,” are ways of certifying that a list of specific competencies or skills has been achieved. They represent the mastery of certain skill sets that build up to a certificate or credential; these skills should be relevant and of value to employers. Suitable for credit and workforce development students and Montgomery College employees, micro-credentials should align to other available credentials and help demonstrate that the person has learned new skills or competencies that underpin a career and academic pathway.
- Microcredentials Report (PDF,
ELITE is committed to providing programs, classes and services that support employees and work teams, and impacts student success! To access course schedules, access MC Learns through Workday. Visit the ELITE Professional Developmentnew window website for additional information.
- Executive Summary - Quarter 1 (PDF,
) To drill down, please click here (requires MC login)
- Executive Summary - Quarter 2 (PDF,
) To drill down, Please click herenew window (requires MC login)
- Executive Summary - Quarter 3
- Executive Summary - Quarter 4
- 2024 Year in Review (PDF,
If you have any questions, please contact ELITE at dl@montgomerycollege.edu.