MC Management

MC Management is a cohort program designed to help current supervisors and managers develop their skills and competencies, so they manage their employees and work strategically rather than reactively. Participants emerge with new knowledge and a common set of skills and abilities that aid in a consistent manner of managing people at MC. Manage yourself, manage others, and manage within the MC system.
The online program is open to those who supervise at least one regular employee for whom they are responsible for disciplinary actions and annual performance evaluations. This definition includes traditional managers, supervisors, academic department chairs, deans, and administrators. Shift leads are not included in this group, and it is suggested they participate in the Management Learning Pathway or the Fundamentals of Supervision cohort. While not a requirement, completion of MC Management is encouraged for all supervisors.
In addition to the classes, participants engage in experiential learning. In small groups, they visit a department that works directly with students. They spend time with the manager learning about the department’s priorities and discussing how the department impacts student success. The participants submit a report of their findings afterward.
Note that full participation is expected as a requirement for completion. Only one absence is accepted. Additional absences require the participant to return next year to make up the missed classes.
The applicationnew window, available in Workday, is due by Thursday, September 14.
Classes meet online 8:45 a.m.-noon
Orientation and Your Management Style
Emotional Intelligence
Building and Sustaining a Team
Managing a Global Workforce
A Manager’s Responsibility Under the Law, MC Policy, and Labor Unions
Coaching Your Staff
Managing Conflict
Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue
Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
Student Success Discussion, Program Evaluation, and GRADUATION
Meetings with managers of selected MC departments
For more information, contact Cynthia Mauris, Training and Development Coordinator.