Digital Signage

Digital signage is a way to feature College announcements, news, events, emergency information, and other College related messages.
Digital Signage consists of digital displays at MC locations, and outdoor displays at campus entrances (gateway signs). Digital displays are controlled through a content management system using the Scala digital signage platform. Under the direction of the Office of Communications, the digital signage network delivers a branded, unified visual and architectural feel while maintaining the diversity of messaging from across the College.
The role of creating slides for the digital displays is decentralized. So, if your department has content that you believe has value to the College community, you can submit it yourself. You have two ways to contribute that content to centralized network. You can contact the Office of Communications ( with all relevant information or contact a Content Contributor for your department or area who will create the slide(s) for you.
Contact us to request a training date.
Guidelines, terminology and checklists.
Editorial Guidelines and Terminology
The A to Z Guide, Punctuation Guide, Tips (PDF, ) , and other guides will be your reference to answer questions you may have about formatting.
The Brand Standards and Usage Guide (PDF, ) is your resource for specific rules on logo usage, color usage, and font usage, as
well as other guidelines for the Montgomery College brand.
Scala Specific Terminology: Read the terminology guide (PDF, ) to understand terms specific to Scala.
How to Find Images Allowed for Re-use
Follow the image guidelines (PDF, ) to find images that are allowed to be used on your signage.
How to Find Images on the College's Flickr Site
Browse the College's Flickr sitenew window. Once you find an image you would like, email to receive a copy the unwatermarked photo, including a link to the photo(s) requested.
How Will Messages Be Distributed on MC's Digital Signage Network?
The first criteria - is the message primarily student or employee-facing? After that,
these criteria (PDF, ) have been set-up by the Office of Communications for you to follow.
Contributor Checklist
This step-by-step guide (PDF, ) will help you when creating digital signage.
Gateway Signage

MC's outdoor gateway signs offer a way to feature messages that reach the public. The content is highly restricted based on the size limitations of the signs and what can be easily read from a car.
For additional information and details on how to request adding content to the gateway
signs, please read MC's Montgomery College Gateway Signage Guidelines (PDF, ) . You will be contacted by the Office of Communications within two weeks of your request.
Policies and Procedures
Montgomery College recognizes the need for a comprehensive, coordinated system of
digital signage. All signage must conform to the Montgomery College brand and editorial
standards. Read the full list of MC's Policies and Procedures for digital signage (PDF, ) , pages 9-11.