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This guide is your resource for specific rules on logo usage, color usage, and font usage, as well as other guidelines for the Montgomery College brand. The purpose of this guide is not to restrict creativity, but to help make preparing communication materials easier, and to ensure a consistent and unified visual look across all College communications. Maintaining a consistent visual identity builds recognition and creates a strong institutional image.

Download and save the Montgomery College Brand Standards and Usage Guide (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window) to your computer for future reference.

You can also review the Montgomery College Web Guidelines.


The MC logo is the primary graphic symbol that identifies the College. The logo must appear on all publications, web pages, and other visual communications developed for the College's external audiences by any administrative or academic department. Our logos are available in various colors and file formats. Choose the logo design and format that best matches your needs.

See All Logos

The MC PowerPoint Template Usage Guide provides basic guidelines on how to remain consistent with the College's brand, how to improve PowerPoint slide legibility, and how to ensure a PowerPoint presentation is compatible for both computer and TV screens.

Get PowerPoint Templates

For College stationery, submit a Creative Services Project Request.

For purchasing questions, email Procurement.

Order Stationery
Business Cards

For College business cards, please visit the online ordering systemnew window. Sign in to create an account and start your order.

For purchasing questions, email Procurement.

Order Business Cards
Email Signature Formats

To ensure a consistent brand image, faculty and staff must use one of the three official email signature formats.

First, download the email signature templatenew window to your computer then follow the steps below.
Instructions (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window) for using an Outlook signature.
Outlook 365
Instructions (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window) for using an Outlook 365 signature.
College-issued iPhone
Instructions (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window) for having a signature on your college-issued iPhone.
Memo Template

Use these templates for all official College memos.

Download and use the Montgomery College memo templatenew window for all official College memos. This document is a Microsoft Word template.

For memos sent as an email, use this email memo templatenew window. Carefully read and follow the instructions provided on the template.


Download these images to your computer or mobile device to use them as wallpaper.


Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus

TP/SS Campus Wallpaper

1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1440x900 | 1366x768 | 1280x1024 | 1280x800 | 1024x768

Mobile Device

Germantown Campus

Germantown Campus Wallpaper

800x1280 (Android) | 640x960 (iPhone 4)
640x1136 (iPhone5) | 1080x1920 (iPhone 6)

Rockville Campus

Rockville Campus Wallpaper

800x1280 (Android) | 640x960 (iPhone 4)
640x1136 (iPhone5) | 1080x1920 (iPhone 6) 

Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus

TP/SS Campus Wallpaper

800x1280 (Android) | 640x960 (iPhone 4)
640x1136 (iPhone5) | 1080x1920 (iPhone 6) 

MC Raptors 1

Raptor Wallpaper 1

800x1280 (Android) | 640x960 (iPhone 4)
640x1136 (iPhone5) | 1080x1920 (iPhone 6) 

MC Raptors 2

MC Raptor Wallpaper 2

800x1280 (Android) | 640x960 (iPhone 4)
640x1136 (iPhone5) | 1080x1920 (iPhone 6)

Zoom Profile and Background Images

Use an image for your Zoom profile or create a background for your Zoom meetings. Right click an image to save to your computer.

Zoom Profile Images

Right click an image to save to your computer.

MC Logo

MC Logo

MC Raptor at Work

MC Raptor at Work

MC Raptors Logo 1

MC Raptors Logo 1

MC Raptors Logo 2

MC Raptors Logo 2

MC Raptors MC Proud

MC Raptors MC Strong

MC Raptors MC Strong

MC Raptors MC Strong

MC Raptor 

MC Raptor mascot and logo with a purple haze overlayed

MC Step and Repeat Backdrop

A step and repeat backdrop of the MC logo on a purple background
Zoom Background Images - MC Campuses

Right click an image to save to your computer.

Rockville Campus 1

MC Rockville Campus - Six students with their laptops open sit at table during a study session in the library.

Rockville Campus 2

MC Rockville Campus - Students gather for a study session.

Rockville Campus 3

MC Rockville Campus - Students sit by the windows inside the Science Center on a sunny day.
Rockville Campus 4
MC Rockville Campus - The Rockville Campus is full of life as students head to class on a bright, sunny afternoon.
Rockville Campus 5
Buildings on the Rockville Campus behind a lake
Germantown Campus 1
MC Germantown Campus - Students of a biotechnology class work in a lab.
Germantown Campus 2
MC Germantown Campus - Students, faculty, and staff show their school spirit during a parade.
Germantown Campus 3
MC Germantown Campus - A perspectival view of several rows of students listening to a presentation in the Bioscience Education Center.
Germantown Campus 4
MC Germantown Campus - Three students with a librarian in front of a computer in the library.
Germantown Campus 5
A circular building on the Germantown campus
TP/SS Campus 1
MC Takoma Park/Silver Spring - Students gather in the cafeteria on the second floor of the Charlene R. Nunley Student Services Center.
TP/SS Campus 2
MC Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus - Students walk by the lobby of The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Arts Center.
TP/SS Campus 3
MC Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus - Two seated students study in the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus library.
TP/SS Campus 4
MC Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus - Nursing students listen to their professor during class at a nursing lab in the Health Sciences Center.
TP/SS Campus 5
The Katherine and isiah Leggett building entryway
Zoom Background Images - MC Raptors

Right click an image to save to your computer.

Outdoor Activities 1

MC Raptor Outdoor Activities 1 Zoom Background - Monty, Montgomery College's mascot, participates in warm-ups with the baseball team.

Outdoor Activities 2

MC Raptor Outdoor Activities 2 Zoom Background - Monty, Montgomery College's mascot, takes a walk by the Tidal Basin to enjoy the cherry blossoms in full bloom.

MC Raptors Logo

Zoom background in purple with the MC Raptors logo repeating in several rows at regular intervals.

MC Raptors MC Proud

Zoom background in purple with a ghosted image of the Monty, MC's mascot, on the right. The MC Raptors logo is in the lower right corner with #mcproud above it. #mcproud is also in the upper left corner.

MC Raptors MC Strong

Zoom background in purple with a ghosted image of the Monty, MC's mascot, on the right. The MC Raptors logo is in the lower right corner with #mcstrong above it. #mcstrong is also in the upper left corner.
Zoom Background Images - Other MC Images

Right click an image to save to your computer.

Outdoor Activities 1

MC Outdoor Activities 1 Zoom Background - A scenic view of the Germantown Campus' garden and miniature waterfall.

Outdoor Activities 2

MC Outdoor Activities 2 Zoom Background - Soccer players take the field on a bright, sunny afternoon during Montgomery College's Soccer for Peace event.

MC Art Gallery

An interior view of the Sarah Silberman Art Gallery on Montgomery College's Rockville Campus. On display are paintings, drawings, and sculpture by MC students.

MC Cultural Arts Center

A view from the stage in the auditorium of Montgomery College's Cultural Arts Center at the Takoma Park Silver Spring Campus.

MC Germantown Campus

The bright blue sky is reflected on the mirrored glass on the exterior of the Student Affairs and Sciences building on the Germantown Campus.

MC Library

An angled view of several rows of library stacks.

MC Sign

A sign with the words "Montgomery College" in silver metallic letters at the entrance of the Germantown Campus.

MC During the Fall

Trees with bright red leaves at the front of the Science Center on the Rockville Campus signal the beginning of the fall semester.

MC at Night

The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Arts Center on the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus is bathed in yellow and blue lights at night.