Student Board Members
Become a PIC MC Student Board Member
Learn how a board works, how to present in front of a group of professionals, and network for future jobs. Student board members also receive $1,000 towards the next steps in their education.
Deadline to apply: August 30.
ApplyThe Pinkney Innovation Complex for Science and Technology at Montgomery College, or PIC MC, is a hub of education, business, and entrepreneurship, where industry partners co-locate and actively interact with faculty and students to achieve both educational and economic success. The Montgomery College Germantown Campus features the Holy Cross Germantown Hospital, an 80,000-square-foot medical office Building, a 145,000-square-foot bioscience educational building, and the Montgomery County-owned Germantown Innovation Center, a business incubator with 24 startup life sciences companies.
The vision of PIC MC is to develop a hub of education, research, employment, and entrepreneurship with the following goals:
- Provide space for economic development to include company locations;
- Locate entrepreneurs on campus to speed introduction of new science into classrooms;
- Support student internships and interaction with companies; and
- Provide students with advanced market-ready knowledge and skills.
The development of the Pinkney Innovation Complex has continued its growth and reflects the ongoing collaboration and interests of Montgomery College, PIC MC, Montgomery County, the Montgomery County Planning Board and the private sector. The Pinkney Innovation Complex began with a shared vision of Montgomery College and Montgomery County as a hub of education, business and entrepreneurship where Montgomery College students and faculty, and industry partners achieve educational and economic success.
Students can expect to meet and collaborate and be mentored by industry leaders (attorneys, accountants, real estate folks, scientists, company CEO’s) and MC senior leadership, learning how a board operates, what kind of decisions a board makes and the value of a working board. They will be representing the student voice and will have a seat at the table. The board wants to hear from them and their opinion matters.
Expectations are to attend all three of the full board meeting dates below in person. They would also be a member of the partnership committee (meets monthly or bi-monthly depending on what the committee is working on at the time). The committee meetings take place in Germantown in PK 105. The Chair of the committee decided if it will be in person or on Zoom depending on his schedule so there will be a zoom option for the student. The student will work on a project with me (lunch and learn, continue development on the PIC MC portal that Evelin started, shadowing opportunity, internship, etc.). Student needs to be comfortable speaking/presenting in front of a board.
The Pinkney Innovation Complex for Science and Technology at Montgomery College Foundation Board may seek insight and participation from the student constituency at the College and desires to include the student voice in their deliberations and actions. By sitting on the PIC MC Foundation Board, the student liaison will gain first-hand knowledge and experience of the operations and functions of a governing board. The addition of a Montgomery College student to the PIC MC Board is intended to promote a mutually beneficial environment for board members and students by exposing one another to ideas and feedback while aligning with the goals of both Montgomery College and PIC MC
Policy: PIC MC Foundation may include a current Montgomery College student on its board to further align PIC MC with the overall mission of Montgomery College of ensuring student success. The PIC MC Board demonstrates our commitment to student success by engaging current MC students and exposing them to the work of the following four committees of PIC MC:
- Real Estate Development Committee
- Audit and Governance Committee
- Academic Partnerships Committee
- Treasurer’s Committee
PIC MC Foundation Board may seek to reserve one non-voting board position for a student who has attended Montgomery College and completed 18 credits. This position is a one-year commitment (one fiscal year beginning on July 1 of current year and ending on June 30th of the following year) unless mutually agreed upon by both the student and PIC MC Audit and Governance Committee.
Procedures and selection criteria: The Audit and Governance Committee will
solicit recommendations for MC student candidates for Board membership from among the following:
- Hillman Entrepreneurs Program
- Macklin Business Institute
- Provosts
- Deans in Biotech, Cyber Security and Engineering
- Student Life
- And elsewhere as appropriate
The selection criteria will include the following:
- Cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0 at the time of application which must be maintained during service on the board.
- Completed at least18 credit hours.
- Prior or current participation in at least one other student activity on campus
- Two letters of recommendations on behalf of the student with at least one from a Montgomery College faculty member or Montgomery College employee.
- Resume and statement explaining interest in the board membership.
Following an interview by the Executive Director, the top candidate will be submitted to the Audit and Governance Committee for review and approval. The Audit and Governance Committee may recommend a student for approval to the Executive Committee and then by the Full Board. The appointed student should attend the three full board meetings during the fiscal year. The appointed student may attend committee meetings as their schedule allows.
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Past Board Members
Learn more about and connect with past student board members.
Evelin Davila - LinkedIn Profilenew window
Leenchoo Chawaka - LinkedIn Profilenew window
Sierra Madden - LinkedIn Profilenew window
Samir Kabir - LinkedIn Profilenew window