Strategic Partnership Advantages
Supporting Your Success
Our complex is an ideal location for life sciences and technology companies being located near healthcare, IT, biotech firms, Federal institutions and close to one national and two international airports. The center offers a number of benefits, incentives, and strategic advantages along with space available for lease or build to suit your needs.

Financial Incentives
Financial and tax incentives include state and county-level programs for businesses of all sizes to create, expand, and relocate to the region. Support could include access to venture capital, tax credits for investors, research and development support, and financial assistance to reduce rent costs.
Learn more about:
- Montgomery County new windowand Maryland financial and tax incentivesnew window
- Local governmental information on starting or growing your business, please go to Montgomery County’s Business Portalnew window
- RISE Zonenew window and Opportunity Zonenew window

Campus Benefits
Companies partnered with Montgomery College can access campus amenities, including:.
- Laboratories (cybersecurity and mock GMP)
- Lab equipment
- Meeting spaces
- Gym and indoor pool
- Daycare facilities'
- Office space
- Conference center

A supply of highly skilled workers and customized training for entry-level, intermediate, and advanced workers makes the PIC MC an ideal location.
In addition, Montgomery College offers a robust workforce development programnew window and a trained workforce. For experts in their professions, the College welcomes input on curricula development and, on occasion, provides opportunities to serve as adjunct faculty.

RISE and Opportunity Zones
A Regional Institution Strategic Enterprise (RISE) Zonenew window designation allows targeted businesses locating within PIC MC and connecting to Montgomery College to receive real property tax credits of 75 percent for five years. Montgomery College is the first community college in Maryland and first location in Montgomery County to be a designated RISE Zone.
An Opportunity Zonenew window provides federal tax incentives to spur investment in underserved communities by attracting investment. These incentives can spur further economic development in the form of job creation and revitalization, providing new opportunities for business, housing, and retail growth.
What great reasons to join us.
Business and Federal Institutions
Montgomery County is home to many Federal Institutions along with a number of healthcare, biotech, and IT firms including start-ups.
US Department of Commercenew window
National Institutes of Standards and Technologynew window
US Food & Drug Administrationnew window
National Institutes of Healthnew window
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administrationnew window
Naval Medical Research Centernew window
US Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Health Care Research and Qualitynew window
US Department of Defensenew window
US Military HIV Research Programnew window
Indian Health Servicenew window
Uniformed Services University of Health Sciencesnew window
Adventist HealthCarenew window
AstraZeneca/Medimmunenew window
Catalyst Health Solutions, Inc.
Coventry Health Care window
Current Group, LLCnew window
EG&G Inc.
Emergent BioSolutions window
Energy Enterprise Solutions (EES)
Fusion UV Systems window
GlaxoSmithKlinenew window
Holy Cross Healthnew window
Howard Hughes Medical Institutenew window
J. Craig Venter Institutenew window
Kaiser Permanentenew window
Lockheed Martin window
Medifacts International window
Novavax window
OriGene Technologiesnew window
Qiagen Sciences, North American Headquartersnew window
Suburban Hospital/Johns Hopkins Medicinenew window
Sucampo Pharmaceuticals window
United Therapeutics window
Westatnew window