Mike Paukstitus

For more than 40 years, Mike Paukstitus has worked in the real estate industry as
an owner, investor, developer, senior executive, and consultant. He’s overseen transactions
on every type of building you can imagine, including offices, industrial spaces, retail,
multifamily homes, medical offices, hotels, residential properties, and even land.
Mike is currently the principal of Global Realty Investors, LLC, where he is primarily
involved in real estate consulting and investing activities. Mike serves as the treasurer
and a board member of the Montgomery College Foundation. He was a founding member
of the Washington, DC/Maryland chapter of the National Association of Industrial and
Office Properties, and served as its president and chairman. He started his career
in public accounting with Coopers & Lybrand, now PricewaterhouseCoopers, as a CPA.
Mike attended Montgomery College before transferring to the University of Maryland,
where he earned both an MS and an MBA.
- Your favorite local sports team? The Washington Nationals.
- Your favorite place to eat lunch around the College? Il Pizzico. It’s near Gude Drive, by the Rockville Campus.
- The last good movie you saw? Hacksaw Ridge. What a hero!
- Your favorite piece of advice to give? Relax, take a deep breath, and never give up.
- The first car you remember driving? A ’62 red Corvette, to MC and home!
- Your favorite sport to play? Golf. Last year, I won the Lexus Raffle at the foundation’s golf outing and got the chance to play all three courses at Pebble Beach. I checked that off my bucket list.
- The junk food you find most irresistible? Well, I always love a good cheeseburger smothered in grilled onions and mushrooms.
- The best concert you’ve attended? Rolling Stones at the Capital Centre.
- An adjective your friends would use to describe you? Funny, dependable, active.
- Your biggest global wish? This sounds like a cliché, but world peace. We’ve got to find common ground; there’s just too much tragedy in the daily news cycle.
Find Out More About These MC Foundation Board Members:
- Steve Roberts
- Anne Gunsteens
- Mike Paukstitus
- Erica L. Webber
- Morgan Sullivan
- Steve McAuliffe
- Ashley Cheng
- Bill Hard
- Bobbi Shulman
- Dr. Kpakpundu Ezeze
- Sylvia Glaser
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