Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is the Montgomery College Foundation's Tax ID Number?
A. The Montgomery College Foundation's Tax ID Number is 52-1267008. For more information, please contact Javiera Alarcon, Annual Fund Manager at
Q. How many Montgomery College students need financial aid and scholarships to pay their expenses?
A. Nearly 40 percent of Montgomery College students receive financial aid and/or scholarships. Through the generous support of individuals, corporate, and foundation donors, the Montgomery College Foundation has $2.8M in scholarship funds available to disburse in fiscal year 2024. The average Montgomery College Foundation scholarship award is over $1,300. The College’s Financial Aid Office helps students obtain the government assistance they qualify for and then awards private scholarship funds to make up the difference between aid and total expenses of tuition, fees, and books or supplies. For more information, visit Montgomery College Foundation or contact Montgomery College Foundation at 240-567-7900.
Q. What is the relationship between Montgomery College and Montgomery College Foundation?
A. The Montgomery College Foundation is an independent 501(c)3 charitable organization founded to support activities of Montgomery College and its students. Since Montgomery College is a publicly-supported institution, all private contributions for the College and its students are made to the Foundation. The Foundation was created to enhance the work of Montgomery College and help ensure a level of excellence comparable to the finest colleges and universities across the country. For more information, please contact Montgomery College Foundation at 240-567-7900.
Q. Are contributions to the Montgomery College Foundation tax-deductible?
A. Yes. Contributions to the Montgomery College Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. For more information, please contact Montgomery College Foundation at 240-567-7900.
Q. What is the Foundation's official name, mailing address, and phone number?
A. Montgomery College Foundation, Inc., 9221 Corporate Blvd, 3rd Floor, Rockville, MD 20850. For more information, please contact Montgomery College Foundation at 240-567-7900.
Q. Who manages the Montgomery College Foundation?
A. The Foundation is governed by a board of directors composed of volunteers: alumni, business people, and other community leaders. Through advocacy, influence, and financial support, these volunteer leaders work to ensure an understanding of and a commitment to the community college goals of opportunity, inclusion, and educational achievement. For a list of current members of the Foundation Board of Directors, please click here. Montgomery College Foundation can be reached at 240-567-7900.
Q. I didn’t attend Montgomery College, but I understand that the College performs a valuable community service. How will my gift benefit the community?
A. Your gift is an investment in your community. Montgomery College, like all community colleges, plays a unique role in serving the underprivileged and building the economy of the local community. With its open admissions policy and relatively low in-county tuition rate (about $5,000 per year, full-time), Montgomery College serves students who might not otherwise pursue post-secondary education. The College also offers workforce development courses that greatly benefit businesses and their employees and provides continuing education for the entire community. More educated residents in our county translates into more tax-paying citizens, fewer people relying on government social programs, and a better trained pool of candidates to fill the ever-changing employment needs of local businesses. For more information, contact Montgomery College Foundation at 240-567-7900.
Q. Will my gift make a difference, if I can't make a large gift?
A. Gifts of all amounts are welcome. When many small gifts are combined in unrestricted funds, more students receive the support they need to attend Montgomery College. For some students, receiving a scholarship of just a few hundred dollars can make the difference in whether or not they can enroll! If you need information about the tax benefits of giving to the Montgomery College Foundation to help determine how much you can give, please contact Montgomery College Foundation at 240-567-7900.
Q. How can I make a donation to Montgomery College?
A. All philanthropic contributions for Montgomery College are made to Montgomery College Foundation. The Montgomery College Foundation is an independent 501(c)3 charitable organization that supports activities of Montgomery College and its students. The Foundation was created in 1982 to enhance the work of Montgomery College and help ensure a level of excellence comparable to the finest colleges and universities across the country. For more information, please visit or contact Montgomery College Foundation at 240-567-7900.
Q. What is the Annual Fund and what does it support?
A. A gift to the Annual Fund ensures that your gift can be directed to the greatest needs of the College and our students in a timely manner. Typical areas of support include scholarships for tuition and books for students, emergency funds for students in need and support of students who are under-represented in higher education through programs such as Achieving Collegiate Excellence and Success (ACES). The fund is important, since it gives the Montgomery College Foundation the ability to respond to urgent and unanticipated needs. In the past, for example, the Foundation helped a nursing student replace uniforms and books after a fire in her apartment and has given emergency support to a student whose father lost his job. For more information, contact Javiera Alarcon, Annual Fund Manager at
Q. What is the easiest way to make a gift to the Montgomery College Foundation?
A. While there are numerous ways to make gifts, the two easiest ways are to 1) mail a check payable to Montgomery College Foundation to 9221 Corporate Blvd, 3rd Floor, Rockville, MD 20850 or 2) use a credit card to give online. MC employees may make gifts by arranging for payroll deduction. For further information, contact Montgomery College Foundation at 240-567-7900.
Q. Can I make a gift of stock or wire to the Montgomery College Foundation?
A. Yes.
- Stock Transfer Instruction (PDF,
- Wire Transfer Instruction (PDF,
Q. How can I make a contribution from my retirement account?
A. If you are 70 ½ years or older, you may make a qualified charitable contribution from your retirement account. Simply, submit a written request to your plan administrator directing the contribution to be made payable to Montgomery College Foundation and send it to: Montgomery College Foundation, 9221 Corporate Blvd, Rockville, MD 20850. For more information, please contact La Verne Gordon at 240-567-4023 or by email.
Q. Can I specify how my gift will be used by the Montgomery College Foundation?
A. You can designate the purpose of your gift in a number of ways. If you are interested in designating your gift, please contact Montgomery College Foundation at 240-567-7900, to explore the best way for the Montgomery College Foundation to accommodate your interests.
Q. Can I make a gift for scholarships even though the semester has started?
A. Yes. Student needs are constant throughout the year, and gifts to meet those needs are greatly appreciated. For more information, contact Montgomery College Foundation at 240-567-7900.
Q. Can I make arrangements to give a monthly or quarterly gift?
A. Yes. The Montgomery College Foundation website provides opportunities for recurring
payments at designated intervals, (i.e., monthly, quarterly or annually). College
employees can enroll in payroll deductions by completing the Employee Charitable Donation Form (PDF, ) . For further information, contact Javiera Alarcon, Annual Fund Manager at
Q. Can I make a contribution to the Montgomery College Foundation in honor or in memory of someone?
A. Yes. Tribute gifts in honor or in memory of a friend or relative can be made in any amount. When the "my gift is in honor of" or the "my gift is in memory of" boxes are checked, and the subsequent information boxes are completed, the Foundation will send a card to the individual or the family indicating that such a gift has been made with the name of the donor, but not the amount. For further information on tribute gifts, please contact Javiera Alarcon, Annual Fund Manager at
Q. How do I set up a scholarship fund named for a friend or relative?
A. If you are a current, or retired employee of the College, a named scholarship can be established with a minimum gift of $10,000 payable over one to five years. Other individuals, including alumni, friends, corporations, foundations, or associations can set up such a fund with a gift of $25,000 or more payable over one to five years. Multiple individuals or organizations can give to named funds. Named funds can be established for current use or as an endowment. For more information on establishing a scholarship fund, please contact Javiera Alarcon, Annual Fund Manager at or call 240-567-7305.
Q. What is the difference between making a gift for current use or for endowment?
A. A current use gift is expended by the Foundation within the College's current fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) or a reasonable time period beyond. An endowed gift allows you to support Montgomery College’s educational endeavors in perpetuity. A principal gift to the endowment is invested through Montgomery College Foundation, and a percentage of the earned interest (generally, after an average three-year incubation period) is drawn each year and spent in support of a Montgomery College program or scholarship. An endowment of $50,000, for example, generally yields enough interest annually to provide one full-time student in-county tuition and fees for one semester. An endowment of $100,000 generally yields enough interest annually to provide one full-time student in-county tuition and fees for one academic year. For more information on establishing a scholarship fund, please contact Javiera Alarcon, Annual Fund Manager at or call 240-567-7305.
Q. If I set up a scholarship fund, will I get the names of the students who receive my support? Can I meet them?
A. The Montgomery College Foundation sends annual financial reports and thank you letters from student recipients to donors who establish scholarship funds. Typically, donors also may have the opportunity to meet their student scholarship recipients annually at our scholarship recognition event or an individual meeting. For further information about establishing a scholarship fund, please contact Montgomery College Foundation at 240-567-7900.
Q. How can I make a corporate or foundation gift to Montgomery College Foundation?
A. Corporations and foundations can support scholarships, special programs, or activities of an academic department with a grant or a sponsorship. The Foundation also accepts in-kind donations of equipment and, in some cases, services. For further information, please contact Stuart Tart, director of corporate and foundation relations at 240-567-7494 or by email.
Q. How can Montgomery College students benefit from my retirement plan?
A. Supporting future students through your retirement plan is simple to do. Obtain a beneficiary form from your retirement plan administrator and enter the name of the beneficiary as: "Montgomery College Foundation." Enter the Foundation identification number as: 52-1267008. If you would like to designate your gift for a particular purpose, please contact La Verne Gordon at the Montgomery College Foundation at 240-567-4023 or by email.
Q. How do I leave Montgomery College in my will?
A. You can name the Montgomery College Foundation as a beneficiary in your will or in a codicil. You can designate a percentage of your residual estate or a specific dollar amount. Suggested language: “I give, bequeath, and devise $____ or_____ (specific asset) to the Montgomery College Foundation [Tax ID 52-1267008], a charitable organization currently located at 9221 Corporate Boulevard, Rockville, MD 20850.” For more, please contact La Verne Gordon at the Montgomery College Foundation at 240-567-4023 or by email.
Q. What are the benefits of designating Montgomery College Foundation in my will?
A. When you include Montgomery College in your will, you are leaving a legacy that will support students in the future. By making a bequest intention, you will receive immediate gift credit, today, for a bequest that will benefit future generations of students. You will also become part of the Montgomery College Foundation Legacy Society, a special group of supporters who have provided legacy gifts to support future students. For further information or to receive suggested bequest language, contact La Verne Gordon at the Montgomery College Foundation at 240-567-4023 or by email.
Q. I'd like to make a gift to benefit Montgomery College students, but it will be a small one given that I'm retired and living on a fixed income. Is there a way I can leverage my giving?
A. There are several ways to leverage your giving: two common ways are through charitable remainder trusts and charitable gift annuities. Giving in this manner allows you to make a gift in return for income. For more information, please visit the Planned Giving web pagenew window.
Q. I want to make a gift to Montgomery College Foundation today, but also need to preserve the core of my investments, and provide an inheritance for my children. How can I balance these needs?
A. There are many ways to structure gifts to achieve your philanthropic and personal financial goals. For more information, visit the Planned Giving web page or contact La Verne Gordon at the Montgomery College Foundation at 240-567-4023 or by email.
Q. I have a life insurance plan that I no longer need, but the surrender value is very low. Would this make a good gift?
A. Your gift, through a life insurance policy, can support Montgomery College students today or in the future. You may designate “Montgomery College Foundation” as the primary beneficiary of your policy. Please include the following information in your policy designation: Montgomery College Foundation (beneficiary); tax identification number (52-1267008). The address is 9221 Corporate Blvd., Rockville, MD 20850. For more information, please contact La Verne Gordon at the Montgomery College Foundation at 240-567-4023 or by email.
Q. I wish I could make a major gift for student scholarships, but my largest asset is my home and I plan to retire in place. Can I leave my house to the College in my will?
A. Yes, and you may be able to save taxes by making this gift now. Such a gift is called a retained life estate. You can deed a primary home to the Montgomery College Foundation and continue to live in it until you move out or pass away. At the time the home is deeded, you receive a charitable tax deduction for the future value of the home. A vacation home can also be used to make a gift. For more information, please contact La Verne Gordon at the Montgomery College Foundation at 240-567-4023 or by email.
Q. Can the Montgomery College Foundation staff recommend estate planning professionals to assist me?
A. The Montgomery College Foundation is pleased to help you with your philanthropic goals that can be realized through your estate. Please visit our planned giving web page for a wealth of information to help with estate planning that you may also share with your attorney and/or financial advisors. For further information, contact La Verne Gordon at the Montgomery College Foundation at 240-567-4023 or by email.