Youth Registration Information and Policies
Registration Information for Youth Programs.

Bear with us as we transition to a new Youth window
Important Information for Youth Programs
For Both New and Returning Students.
Frequently Asked Questionsnew window,
- Returning Student Registration instructions
- New Student Registration Instructions.
- Youth Drop / Withdrawal Policy
- Youth Age Restrictions for classes
- Youth Transfer Policy
- Information about Camp Docs (summer camps only)
- About our instructors.
- Scholarship possibilities (funding is very limited)
- Disability / Challenge / Medical Condition information and instructions
- What is the Non-Maryland Resident Fee.
For more information about Youth class Schedules visit:
Youth Program Schedules / Registration Informationnew window
if you have any questions please contact the Youth Programs.
Sign up for the Youth E-Newsletter to stay current.
Youth Summer Camp Docs

What is CampDoc.comnew window? This year we will be asking you to fill out all of the necessary forms and documentation required for your child's safety at a summer camp. After you register your child/children for camp, you will receive an email from with instructions for completing all the necessary forms. If you register your child for more than one camp, you will only have to fill out the forms once.
Possible forms include: emergency contact information, medical information, medications, GT form, Disability Support (DSS) information, permissions, etc. as applicable.