Español bajo demanda (Inglés)

On-Demand Spanish
On-Demand Spanish is an Occupational Language program for employees to communicate in Spanish in the work place. Through this fun training, you will experience improved work environment, enhanced employee performance, and the ability to provide more personalized services to persons in the Hispanic community. Fast and Fun! You’ll Learn:
- Cultural Awareness
- Workplace Expressions
- Essential Vocabulary
Contract Training of On-Demand Spanish is available for any profession, including:
- Construction Sites
- Financial Officers
- Hospitality Staff
- Landscaping and Nurseries
- School Administrators
- And more!
Occupational Spanish: On-Demand course is designed for the non-Spanish speaking workforce and provides non-academic Spanish communication skills. You will easily learn to communicate basic and common workplace Spanish with your co-workers, customers and clients.
This Spanish language training course was developed by Montgomery College’s Hispanic Business & Training Institute for ready communication with our Hispanic communities. We train you to speak with confidence, clarity and consideration, in the Workplace among co-workers, for Service and outreach to customers and members, or at Business meetings and networking events. Our 30-hour interactive course teaches relevant vocabulary, common greetings, and effective phrases to send and receive verbal messages with those who speak Spanish. Students learn speaking, listening and cross-cultural factors, with common and customized communication expressions. Experience, Occupational Spanish: On-Demand with Montgomery College, customized for various departments including planning, parks, recreation, landscaping, nursing, banking, construction, sales, customer service, community engagement and more!
Objectives: Upon completion of our standard 30-hour course, you will be able to:
- Practice correct Spanish pronunciation
- Communicate practical common and customized workplace phrases and questions
- Express a greater Hispanic and Latino culture awareness
- Give and receive basic directions or instructions using essential vocabulary
- Greet and respond to popular greetings and expressions
Classes run on demand! Once you have a group, let us know and we’ll get a class going for you! Most courses are delivered on-site or one of our classrooms and can be customized to fit the needs of your organization. Please contact the Hispanic Business and Training Institute Manager,, for more information on how Montgomery College can train you or your employees.
Lenguaje Dual Ocupacional
Bi-Lingual and Dual Language Training
Estos cursos se pueden ofrecer bi-linguales, en su lugar de trabajo. These courses can be offered in a bi-lingual format, and at your workplace.
Dual, or Two-Way Bilingual Immersion (TWBI) is a method of instructing two languages within the same learning environment. TWBI instruction method promotes bilingualism and bi-literacy among the diverse learners in the setting. In addition to language skills, students develop cross-cultural competencies, and expand cognitive capacity exercising creativity and higher order thinking. A research and case study identified the advanced methodology for a short-term, occupational-based, adult-focused, dual language immersion training. Montgomery College’s Hispanic Business & Training Institute, and Montgomery County Department of Parks’, Horticulture, Forestry and Environmental division collaborated on this pilot, now available for customization for all workplaces where there is a critical need for teamwork and communication. Course length and schedule is customized for your department.
La inmersión bilingue dual o bidireccional (TWBI) es un método para instruir dos idiomas dentro del mismo entorno de aprendizaje. El método de instrucción TWBI promueve el bilingue y la bi-alfabetización entre los diversos estudiantes en el entorno. Además de las habilidades del lenguaje, los estudiantes desarrollan competencias interculturales y amplían la capacidad cognitiva ejerciendo la creatividad y el pensamiento de orden superior. La investigación y el estudio de un caso, identificaron la metodología avanzada para una capacitación a corto plazo, basada en el trabajo, centrada en adultos de doble idioma. El Instituto Hispano de Entrenamiento de Negocios de Montgomery College, y la división de Parques, Horticultura, Silvicultura y Medio Ambiente del Condado de Montgomery colaboraron en este piloto, ahora disponible para personalización para todos los lugares de trabajo donde hay una necesidad crítica de trabajo en equipo y comunicación. La duración y el horario del curso están personalizados para su departamento.
This course is delivered in a bi-lingual Spanish/English dual-language format to teach employees the awareness and skills to prevent and respond to inappropriate sexual misconduct in the workplace This continuing education course is designed for employees, and provides awareness and training on sexual harassment prevention, avoidance and reporting. Topics include: laws and rules, hostile work environment, and quid pro quo. Students will be able to apply guidelines for appropriate workplace behavior, report sexual misconduct, and recognize inappropriate behavior. Course length and schedule can be customized for your department.
Is there a spanish version of the above paragraph?
Los cursos y temas incluyen:
Acoso sexual (Sexual Harassment), Sesgo cultural (Cultural Bias), Lectura de planos (Blueprint Reading), Estimación en Construcción (Construction Estimation), Seguridad Alimentaria / Manipulación (Food Handler), Certificación Food Service Manager (Food Service Certification), Mejora del hogar (Home Improvement).