Presidential Scholars Program
The Presidential Scholars Program works to increase the representation of African American men in high-wage, high-demand careers.
The program is open to students of all backgrounds who are committed to the program goals. Presidential Scholars will receive:
- Individualized financial aid support
- Academic support
- Student support services
- Connections to a network of internal and external mentors
Past Events
Champions for Success: Investing in African American Excellence
Moderator: Brandon C.S. Wallace, Associate Professor, School of Education
Dr. Eric Benjamin, Collegewide Dean, Education and Social Science
Dr. Andraé L. Brown, Professor, Psychology Department
Terrence M. Evelyn, Collegewide Director, Facilities Operations
Marvin Mills, Jr., Vice President, Facilities
George E. Rice III, Administrative Associate; Equity Inclusion Program Director
Steven Taylor, Building Service Manager, Facilities
Get Involved
This program is open to students of all backgrounds who demonstrate a commitment to the goal of increasing the representation of African-American males in high-wage, high-demand careers, and therefore interested in a pathway for transfer/completion and economic mobility for these men.
To apply to the program, a student must meet the following requirements:
• Demonstrate a commitment to the goal of the program
• Have a minimum of a 2.0 Cumulative GPA
• Enrolled in at least 6 credit hours per semester at Montgomery College
• Fill out the application form
About the Presidential Scholars Program
True to its mission of empowering students to change their lives and enrich the life of the community, the College works strategically and innovatively to remove barriers to higher education access, retention, and success. The Presidential Scholars Program is open to students of all backgrounds who are committed to increasing the representation of African American men in high-wage/high-demand careers. Students in the program will receive individualized financial aid support, academic support, student support services, and connections to a network of internal and external mentors. Additionally, this program expands the College’s intentionality in addressing systematic racism and has implications for the local, national and global community.
The institutional strategy to for African American male students has four intended outcomes:
- Increase completion of degrees and professional certifications.
- Increase representation of African American men in careers in industries with life-sustaining salaries and more jobs than workers to fill them.
- Connect students with employers and mentors from industries with the best opportunities for high salaries and excellent prospects.
- Demonstrate (clearly) the intention and solutions for addressing systemic racism and other barriers to success.
PSP is highly dependent upon relationship building, partnerships, and commitment throughout the college community and the broader community. Deliberate with its design to meet its intended goal and outcomes, success of the program is rooted in key foundational interventions: (1) academic and student support services, (2) financial aid and basic needs supports, (3) mentorship and success coaching, and (4) experiential l learning and opportunities.
An important component of the Presidential Scholars Program is the unwavering support students receive from our faculty and staff, each other, and the community at-large.
We gratefully acknowledge all donors to the Presidential Scholars Program for their vision and commitment to the academic and professional success of our scholars.
Abigail K. Alcott
Michelle M. Alexander
John Aquilino and Rose Garvin Aquilino
Lena S. Barnett, Esq.
Steven John Barone
Eric J. Benjamin
Carolyn Branson
Vincent and Tanisha Briley
Michael Arthur Brintnall
Leon B. Brown and Monica R.M. Brown
Roderick Bryan
Roberta Buckberg
Stephen and Maria-Rose Cain
Jennifer M. Capparella
Lali Chatterjee
Po-lun Chou
Tony Clark
Pamella Cockell
Janice Cooper
Richard Leach Dana
Susan C. De La Paz
Timothy D. Dietz
Colleen N. Dolak
Dawn and Rusty Drew
Sandra Ellis
Sarah Miller Espinosa
Terrence M. Evelyn and Claire E. Walters
John B. Ewald
Kpakpundu Ezeze
Sharon Fechter
Jane M. Feibel
Howard Feinstein
Jessame E. Ferguson
Earldine L. Fisher
Adakou Edwige Foli
Everette J. Freeman
Rhona Wolfe Friedman and Donald J. Friedman
Hermione Fthenakis
La Verne Gordon
Sol Graham and Family
Patricia J. Harvey
Stephanie Harzewski
Henry B. (Hank) and Bonnie S. Heller
Reyna Hernandez
John Potter and Terry H. Herndon
Hilbert R. and Joan M. Hubble
Michael E. Jackson
Yolanda Shepard James
Charles Jefferson
Vernita Jefferson
Scott and Elaine Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Karlik
Kimberly B. Kelley
Karen S. King
Michael Knapp
Lawrence N. Kosciulek
Sharlene J. Kranz
Katie and Greg Kumkumian
Margaret and Jose Latimer
Susan B. Lagrone
Reginald Van Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald G. Lewis
Carol M. Lowe
Linda M. Lugar
Catherine Lutter and Todd McCreight
Gregory J. and Susan C. Madden
Patricia A. Maloney
Ellen W. Mansueto
Carol W. Martin
Jennifer Nicolle Martin
Jennifer N. Martin and Thomas S. Marsh
J. Stephen III and Karyn B. McAuliffe
Marcia L. Meltzer
Jane Ellen Miller
Patricia C. Moffett
Judith B. Morenoff
Milton H. Nash, Ph.D.
William Edward Nellist
Kenneth Nelson
Susan Mitchell and Frank Nieder
Alfred G. and Elizabeth Bird Noguchi
Peat O'Neil
Mary D. Ott
Rev. Malachi Owens, Jr.
Steven C. Pace and Melissa Addams Pace
German Paraud
Dana R. Pauley
DeRionne Pollard and Robyn Jones
Mary Joanne Pratt
Timothy Pulliam
Clevette M. Ridguard
Abigail Seldin
Ann C. Shalleck
Bobbi and Larry Shulman
Ruth A. Skowronski
Jane Smith and James Washington
Sonja B. Sperlich
Frank Spigel
Charlotte Grace Stoliker
Deni Lucia Taveras
Judith M. Taylor
Carmen Poston-Farmer Travis
Dorothy J. Umans
Francene T. Walker
Brandon Charles Steven Wallace
Rhonda J. Weiss
Roger Williams and Ginger Macomber
Jermaine F. and Maggie Williams
Jeffrey I. Wolf
Charles J. Wyatt
Rivka Michal Yerushalmi
Bob and Linda Youngentob
Corporate/Foundation Donors
HERDI - Higher Education Research and Development Institute
MCAC Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
MCPS Union Community Partnership Fund
Montgomery County Education Association
North Star Charitable Foundation
Quality Biological Inc.
Rockville Academy
Seldin/Haring-Smith Foundation
News Articles
- A ‘Loud and Clear’ Call to Invest in Black Mennew window
Men are missing from college campuses: What’s being done to bring them back?new window

Maryland Male Students of Color Summit