
Student Resources
Student success is inherent to the work and efforts of the Office of Compliance, Risk, and Ethics. Montgomery College students are empowered through awareness and engagement about critical compliance-related initiatives. Woven into this work is a commitment to advancing an ethical and equitable College culture that fosters inclusion, social justice, and support for students to thrive during their journey at MC.
- Student Disclosures
- Student Complaint Resolution
- Student Consumer Information
- Student Training: Sexual Violence Prevention for Community Colleges
- Title IX
For more assistance, please contact
General Resources
The Higher Education Compliance Alliancenew window was created to provide the higher education community with a centralized repository of information and resources for compliance with federal laws and regulations. Spearheaded by the National Association of College and University Attorneys (NACUA), the Compliance Alliance is now comprised of 24 participating associations representing a broad cross-section of higher education interests. These associations share a joint commitment to providing high quality resources on a diverse range of compliance topics as a service to the higher education community at large. Many of the resources on this website are freely available; a wealth of additional resources (denoted throughout the site with a padlock symbol) are available via password to members of the association providing the resource.
The Campus Legal Information Clearinghousenew window (CLIC) is a directory of laws and supporting materials organized by subject matter. Use these resources to identify the laws you, your institution and/or your department are responsible for. CLIC is a collaborative effort between the American Council on Educationnew window (ACE) and The Catholic University of America's Office of General Counsel.