11th International Digital Storytelling Conference
Radical Listening: Story Work for a Just Future
June 20, 21, 22 and 23, 2023University of Maryland, Baltimore County | Montgomery College | Smithsonian Institution | StoryCenter
Accepted Presentations
Listed below are all the academic papers, Pecha Kucha presentations, workshops, panels, and other formats that have been accepted for presentation at the 11th International Digital Storytelling Conference, June 20-23, 2023. Please let us know if we missed a presentation, or if a correction is needed at this email address: dst-2023@UMBC.edu with the subject title: “Correction needed: Accepted Presentations.”
This program webpage will be updated with dates, times, presenter names, and descriptions as presentations are confirmed and scheduled. Please keep checking back. Thank you!
Share your DST2023 experience on X using the hastag #11thDST2023
‘Creating Actionable Human Insights’: Digital Storytelling to Inform the Future of the Manufacturing Industry
Documentary as Discourse: Cultivating Narrative Agency through Media Arts in Mental Health Practice with Youth
TIMS: A Novel Audio Intervention Benefiting Patients and Clinicians
Collaborative Digital Storytelling and the Ethics of Representation in Creative Writing
Completing the Turn: Utilizing Portraiture in Participatory Digital Storytelling Research
Hidden Treasure: Engaging Community Cultural Wealth in Digital Storytelling Workshops
Power and Precarity: First-Generation College Students Compose Digital Stories of Social Class Mobility
The Lead Story: Listening to How the Community Wants to Hear About its Lead Poisoning Problem
Building Learning Communities through Digital Storytelling
The Contribution of Digital Storytelling to Community Cohesion in Makhanda
Digital Storytelling as Critical Media Praxis for Social Justice "
Lessons Learned: Methodologies and Practices to Amplify Student Voice in Educational Digital Storytelling Facilitation and Evaluation
Addressing Ethical Complexity in Participatory Media Practice
Conversations about Conservation: Digital Storytelling in Durham University’s MA in Conservation of Archaeological and Museum Objects
Story-based Strategies for Advocacy and Change Using Digital Storytelling
“This is My Truth, Now Tell Me Yours” Framing the Reflective Digital Storytelling Process as An Act of Autoethnography and Digital Stories as Valid and Useful Uber-Qualitative Data
Exploring Experiences of Black College-to-University Transfer Students in Ontario through Digital Storytelling and In-Depth Interviews
Participatory Video and Most Significant Change - Participant-Led Storytelling in Evaluation
An Investigation into the Transformative and Therapeutic Impacts of Digital Storytelling through the Dynamics of the Story-Circle
Understanding How an Entrepreneurial Identity is Shaped by Religious Beliefs and Storytelling in Family Businesses
Sense-Making Methodology, and Digital Storytelling: Framework and Practices for Reflective Voice, ‘Radical Listening,’ and Assessment
Anishinaabe Mino’Ayaawin - People in Good Health
The Effect of the Transactional Leadership to Perpetuate Racism when Managing and Developing Learning in a H.E institution in Wales: An Ethnographic Investigation
Stories That Matters, Digital Storytelling Based on Design for Change on Design for Change Methodology
Cultural Heritage in the Classroom: Teaching Principles of the Digital Public Humanities through Storytelling
Digital Storytelling for the Inclusive Classroom
From Presentation to Process: Voice, Choice and Power in Humanitarian Storytelling
From Presentation to Process: Voice, Choice and Power in Humanitarian Storytelling.
Technopartcipation: Humour as a Form of Storytelling, Expression and Subversion through Livestream Zoom Performances During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond
Digital Storytelling with Alcohol and Drug-Addicted Men in Turkey
Radical Narratives, Multiperspectival Thinking and Community-Based Creative Practices: a Polyphonic Documentary Approach
Introducing Societal Issues with Digital Stories to Facilitate Meaningful Learning
Combining Digital Storytelling and Discourse Analysis to Promote Social Change
Lost (and Found) In Translation: A Methodological Discussion about DST in (Mathematics) Educational Research
Podcasting as Research and Pedagogic Method for Active Listening and Reflexivity
Shuffle, Understand, Remember, Forget - Tarot Readings on Jessica Dore's X Account
Street Storytelling and Social Media: the “Humans of New York” Story Model
Mediating Feminisms and Feminist Pedagogies Through Digital Storytelling
Mapping Responses to Exclusion: Digital Storytelling as a Research Methodology in Collaborative Theatre Research Practice
Storied Justice: Nursing, Social Change and Student Activism
A Model of One’s Own: Digital Storytelling and Online Learning
Strength in Storytelling: Peacebuilding via Wordless Books
Reckoning with workplace experiences of LGBTQ+ Nurses through Digital Storytelling: A Protocol Design
Framing the Conversation: Conceptualization of Taboo within Latine Culture
From Presentation to Process: Voice, Choice and Power in Humanitarian Storytelling
Embedding Digital Data Storytelling in Introductory Data Science Course: a Multi-institute Multi-disciplinary Experiment
Sounding Madness: the Ethics of Listening to Disability Justice & Mad Poetics for Livable Futures
Digital Storytelling as Liberatory Literacy: Critical Pedagogy in the Composition Classroom
Digital Storytelling as Authentic Assessment: A Case from UG Education Module
Uncovering Complex Narratives in Environmental Justice Communities
Bound: Stories from Mothers Restricted by Relocation Statues
“Life is a rollercoaster”: Digital Storytelling as an Anthropological Tool to Illuminate the Experiences of Transgender Latinas Living in Los Angeles, California
What Can Place-Based Immersive Digital Storytelling Tell us About the Experience of Losing One’s Home?
Coexistence of Religions in Cuttack, Odisha"
Digital Storytelling: Developing Personal Agency and Influencing the Discourses and the Development of Rural Villages in Moldova
What's Your Story? Using Digital Storytelling as a Therapeutic Intervention with Traveller Men Affected by Suicide
More Than A Single Story: UM-Dearborn Speaks
Coexistence of Religions In the Saris and Celebration of Religious Festivals in India
Where We All Stand: Using Story to Reach for Hope
Project Directors, Making History/Haciendo Historia: Latinxs in Mendocino
Real People Sharing Their Hepatitis B Stories
A Pandemic-Inspired Approach to Grief Literacy through Applied Theatre
(Re)flexibility of Digital Storytelling in Qualitative Health Research
Voices of Young Tajik Women
Please Forgive Us: Amplifying Student Debt Stories for Healing & Advocacy
Empowering Communities through Social Memory Technology: Indigenous, Quilombos and Grassroots Communities' Experiences
Their Voice, Their Journey: Stories from Africa
A Story About Your Digital Wellbeing
Older People's Voices: The UN Decade of Healthy Ageing
What’s In Your Shoebox? Unpacking Study Abroad Experiences through Digital Storytelling
Further Apart, Yet Closer Together - How Adapting to Remote Facilitation Enabled us to Question and Reframe our Digital Storytelling Practices
The Story of Community-Based Pproject "Mood Co-Garden"
Transfer Stories: The Seams of Transition
The Power of Place: The Digital Stories of Lakeland Middle Schoolers
Radical Listening to Craft Youth-Elder Connection: Digital story that Matters
Stories for Change: Digital Stories as Tools for Learning and Action
K-12 Digital Storytelling: How Using Tech for Good can Lead to Active Global Citizenship
Artist Talk
Si Se Puede: Finding and Using Our Voices
Latino Roots in Washington: Stories of Identity and Place
Inspiring Social Change through the Study of History and Art
Sister Neighborhood Arts Program Digital Storytelling Project
MS, Belonging: A Sacred Space of Healing
Altered Landscapes of a Post-Carbon Future
The Story of Power as the Power of Story- How Change works!
Never only a coffee cup: Stories told with an object
How to Show the Real Self: Digital Storytelling for Professional Empowerment
The Orange Shirt Story: A Case Study in Right-Sized Approaches to Storytelling
Storytelling as a Pedagogy of Care
We’re all Storytellers - Building a Global Storytelling Community
Having your CAKE and Eating It
Voices on the Frontlines - Writing through the Pandemic with Nurstory and Nurse-Family Partnership
Stories from the Ground Up: Littleglobe's Community Storyteller's Program
Exploring the Third Space Through Digital Storytelling: Identity Formation and the Experience of Young Community Language Learners
OurStory NH: Reflections from the Pandemic and Beyond
Intuitive Art in Collective Storytelling
Digital Storytelling for Sustainable Tourism
Building the Storytelling Capacity of People Who Use Drugs
Geographic Interview Projects
Indigenous DC
The Transmedia Journey of Transdisciplinary Tree Doctor Sylvanus
Performative Digital Storytelling: A Hands-On Experience
Using Digital Storytelling Projects to Foster Cultural Literacy
Analogue 'Making' in a Digital Story
Listening with the Whole Body
Weaving Together Stories and Cultures for a World on the Move: Empowering Diverse Children through Collective Digital Storytelling
Building Resilient Communities through Digital Storytelling
Futureability Workshop
We're all Storytellers
Engaging Oppression and Social Justice through Story Work in Multiple Modalities: Movement, Making, Storytelling
Every Picture Tells a Story (or Two, or Three...)
Transforming Schools: Listen to the Ones Who Will Live in the Future
The Broken Mishkan: Performance & Community Conversation
Advances in Data Storytelling: Telling Interactive Data Stories with Open Ending
Digital Storytelling for Linguistic Justice"
Voices to End FGM/C: Using Personal Storytelling for Women's Rights Advocacy "
Finding Voice and Learning to Lead with the Montgomery College Digital Storytelling Internship: A Student Intern Perspective
The Living Cultures initiative: Indigenous communities using Participatory Video to celebrate, Foster and Protect their Cultures
Story Work for a Just Future. Exploring Diverse Experiences and Methods within an International Community of Practice
What Digital Storytelling Means to the New Generation of Researchers
Reflecting on the Journey: Listening to MC’s Digital Storytelling Alumni
Illuminating Youth: Empowering Teen Voices through Multimodal Storytelling
Invisible Wounds: Stories of Survivorship
Stories of Home: Refugees and Immigrants Speak on Their Own Terms
Examining “What Teaching and Learning Can Be”: Engaging Undergraduate Students in Digital Storytelling through Mapmaking and Narratives of Challenge and Change
Addressing the Impacts of Climate Change on Indigenous Farmworker Communities through Digital Storytelling
How Storytelling is Transforming Service within the NHS
Reckoning with Racism in Nursing
Sickness and Survival in the City: Stories from the Army of Lovers
Storytelling and Mental Health: What You Need to Know
Bias Is it Conscious or Unconscious?
Stories of Home: Refugees and Immigrants Speak on Their Own Terms
Innovating Storytelling to Protect Cultural Heritage
Equity Stories to Elevate the Experiences of DeKalb, Fulton, and Clayton County Residents Who Had a Past or Present Experience of Homelessness
Bridging the Impossible: Using Collaborative Autoethnography in a Late Postwar German-Jewish Case Study