Course Specific Resources
Are you a Montgomery College student taking an ENGL, READ, ELAI, ELAR, ELAW, or ELAS
course? If so, you may be required to complete lab hours in the MT-020 Computer Lab.
In the Computer Lab, you can practice English language skills such as listening, speaking,
reading and vocabulary-building by using the computer programs and/or lab exercises
assigned by your professor. For more information about the programs and materials
that will be most useful to you, check with your professor or with a staff member.
The number of hours you spend at the Grammar & Reading Lab will be recorded on a Lab Sign-in Sheet, which you can later give to your professor.
How to Sign in at the English Grammar & Reading Lab:
- Stop at the front desk in MT-020.
- Take out your Lab Sign-in Sheet or get a new one. There are new lab sheets at the front desk in MT-020.
- Make sure your name, your class information and your M# is on your Lab Sign-in Sheet.
- Upon finding an available computer, take your lab sheet to the front desk.
- A staff member will record your starting time.
- Sign in at a computer and start working.
- When you leave, go back to the front desk. A staff member will record your leaving time. (Please note that you will not receive credit if you leave the Center for any period of time without first signing out.)
- Save your sign-in sheet to give to your professor when he or she asks.
For more information, you may also ask your professor, or any tutor or staff member for assistance.