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Photography Master Certificate

Virtual Open House - Performing, Visual, Media Arts

March 26, 7 p.m. via Zoom
Explore the vibrant world of Montgomery College's Visual, Performance, and Media Arts. Learn about degrees and certificate programs at a Virtual Open House featuring faculty and alums. Register Today!new window


Black and white photo of two hands clasped together
See more work by our photography students in the Media Arts Gallery.

Are you ready to make your move in the field of photography? Then MC’s photography master certificate is for you.

Our certificate will prepare you for careers in photography photography—industrial, commercial, portrait, lab technician—or management of photographic services.

Our curriculum provides a balanced aesthetic and technical foundation for immediate entry into the professional field or for further study.

Courses include photography, digital photography, color materials and processes, business practices and portfolio development, and more.

Program Outcomes

MC's Photography certificate program is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art & Design (NASAD).

Upon completion of this program, a student will be able to:

  • Apply traditional darkroom photographic principles, practicies and problem-solving methods to the current digital imaging technology. 
  • Operate a wide variety of photographic lighting equipment for use in studio, architectural, fine art, and varied commercial environments.
  • Effectively evaluate photographs with a thorough understanding of the creative process, based on academic research.
  • Design and implement a business development strategy appropriate for the field of photography.
  • Create and implement a complex production plan that includes related disciplines including video production, web design, computer graphics, or gaming.

Program Advising

Meet with your academic advisor regularly to discuss your academic plans.


For some positions listed, a bachelor's degree or higher may be required. Use the Career and Program Explorer to see a full report for this career field. See links below chart for further guidance and/or connect with a Program Advisor to discuss career goals.

Photographers use their technical expertise, creativity, and composition skills to produce and preserve images that tell a story or record an event.

  • MC Student Employment Services: Speak with the Student Employment Specialist for help with resume writing, interviewing, setting up a College Central Network (CCN)new window account and other job search topics.
  • Career Coach: Explore Career Coach to learn more about this career and/or discover related majors and in-demand careers based on your current interests! Take a Career Assessment and then browse careers and job opportunities in the area.


Related Programs and Courses

General Studies Degree

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Workforce Development and Continuing Education

MC offers a wide variety of noncredit classes. These courses are designed to help you upgrade your skills, pursue career training, or learn something new.