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Audio Production Certificate

Virtual Open House - Performing, Visual, Media Arts

March 26, 7 p.m. via Zoom
Explore the vibrant world of Montgomery College's Visual, Performance, and Media Arts. Learn about degrees and certificate programs at a Virtual Open House featuring faculty and alums. Register Today!new window


sound mixing board

Montgomery College will set you on a path to a successful career in the field of audio production.

MC’s audio production certificate program will prepare you for immediate employment in the radio industry. 

Courses are designed to increase proficiency in radio production skills.  This concentrated approach will provide you with introductory and/or higher level training for first time employment in radio or for professional development.

Courses include audio production techniques, audio documentary, broadcast management, radio station operation, radio production, and more.

Program Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, a student will be able to:

  • Record professional audio in studios, announce booths and on location with a variety of microphones and recording devices.

  • Produce professional segments and programs of varies lengths for the radio and audio production industry.

  • Solve technical and logistical problems through planning and preparation to successfully meet production deadlines.

  • Create a portfolio that reflects the employment standards of the radio and sound recording industry.

Program Advising

Meet with your academic advisor regularly to discuss your academic plans.


For some positions listed, a bachelor's degree or higher may be required. Use the Career and Program Explorer to see a full report for this career field. See links below chart for further guidance and/or connect with a Program Advisor to discuss career goals.

Careers include set up, or set up and operate audio and video equipment including microphones, sound speakers, video screens, projectors, video monitors, recording equipment, connecting wires and cables, sound and mixing boards, and related electronic equipment for concerts, sports events, meetings and conventions, presentations, and news conferences. May also set up and operate associated spotlights and other custom lighting systems. 

  • MC Student Employment Services: Speak with the Student Employment Specialist for help with resume writing, interviewing, setting up a College Central Network (CCN)new window account and other job search topics.
  • Career Coach: Explore Career Coach to learn more about this career and/or discover related majors and in-demand careers based on your current interests! Take a Career Assessment and then browse careers and job opportunities in the area.


How To Apply and Register

Related Programs and Courses

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Workforce Development and Continuing Education

MC offers a wide variety of noncredit classes. These courses are designed to help you upgrade your skills, pursue career training, or learn something new.