Maryland Clinical Simulation Resource Consortium
The Maryland Clinical Simulation Resource Consortium (MCSRC) is a new statewide funding initiative authorized under the auspices of the Nurse Support Program II (NSP II) and jointly approved by the Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) and Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC).
This program is designed to increase the quality and quantity of simulation used in nursing education. School of Nursing Deans and Directors and Hospital Chief Nursing Officers and Nurse Executives are encouraged to nominate nursing candidates, who are interested in serving as simulation leaders, for funding consideration. The program promotes the use of simulation in nursing education in Maryland, establishes simulation quality guidelines that promote patient safety, and provides resources to maintain simulation equipment for nursing programs.
There are currently twenty-five schools of Nursing in Maryland that graduate entry-level nursing students, ten universities and fifteen community colleges. Each of the schools utilizes simulation to a different degree. Although the Nurse Support II program, funded through HSCRC provided extensive support to the universities and colleges, there is a great deal of variety in the number of simulations being used in the programs. Continuing concerns are resources for faculty training and equipment. More hospitals are participating in simulations and developing resources. There is an emphasis on collaboration between education and practice to develop shared resources through funding by NSP I and NSP II.
MHEC administers NSP II. The Workgroup completed the recommendations for programs that are needed to meet the future nursing workforce. A centralized resource center for Maryland, to provide training and promote collaboration in the use of simulation statewide will be funded as a faculty focused State-wide Initiative. Two earlier NSP II funded programs have been foundational to the development of statewide resources. The Maryland Faculty Academy for Simulation Training (M-FAST) and the Maryland Community College Simulation User Network (MCCSUN) programs and resources are incorporated in the center collaborative. Another NSP II grant supported the development of some simulation scenarios at Montgomery College. The college committed to provide support through facilities, posting simulation scenarios through open access and designating a nationally recognized and credentialed faculty member as the Simulation Coordinator for the Collaborative.
The Health Services Cost Review Commission proactively created the NSP II to address the barriers to nursing education. At the May 4, 2005, public meeting, the HSCRC unanimously approved an increase of 0.1% of pooled regulated gross patient revenue for use in expanding the nursing workforce through increased nursing faculty and nursing program capacity in Maryland.
In 2014, at the conclusion of the original ten years of funding, the HSCRC and MHEC staff completed a comprehensive program evaluation with the assistance of an NSP II Advisory Board. This Health Sciences Cost Review Commission approved The Nurse Support Program II Outcomes Evaluation FY 2006 - FY 2015 and Recommendations for Future Funding report at the January 14, 2015 public meeting.
The overall number of nursing graduates in Maryland has increased by 43%, compared to a national increase of 21% between 2008 and 2013. While some undergraduate nursing degree increase is attributable to natural growth, data provided by NSP II competitive institutional grant project directors suggest that over 5,800 or 27% of all undergraduate nursing degrees produced between 2006-2013 are directly attributable to the NSP II competitive institutional grant program focused on student retention initiatives, redesigned curriculum options, and new programs. However, the State is projected to have a shortfall of 12,100 nurses by 2025 (HRSA, 2014). NSP II must find new avenues to meet these needs within the State’s educational capacity.
Simulation provides a safe environment for learning new skills and procedures, including prioritization and teamwork. As part of its patient safety program, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) supports simulation research. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing, through a national simulation research study, determined that simulation can be included for up to 50% of the clinical experiences in a nursing program (Hayden, et., 2014) without impacting nurse graduate quality or performance. By providing a safe learning environment and decreasing the pressure on clinical agencies, clinical simulation can be used to promote safety and enable nursing programs to expand.
Providing high quality simulations requires not just the physical facilities and high level technology, but also requires faculty who have been educated in incorporating simulation into the curriculum. Faculty find implementation of simulation time consuming for preparation of the simulation, including developing the scenarios and setting up the laboratory space appropriately (Adamson, 2010) also identified that faculty felt a lack of support and utilizing the equipment were barriers to implementing simulation. Training and support is a theme that has arisen in the research in simulation (Adamson, 2010; Jansen, et. al., 2010; Pattillo, et. al. 2010; Seropian, 2010; Waxman,, 2015).
The Oregon Simulation Alliance was formed to provide direction for implementation for simulation throughout the state (Seropian, et. al., 2006). This model makes training and equipment resources available and functions as a conduit for best practices. The process that Oregon used was “visits to communities, development of coalitions, simulation specialist education, faculty development, and a mechanism for allocation and distribution of funds” (Seropian, p. 58). Louisiana created a statewide simulation council to implement Interprofessional simulation. (Lemoine, et. al., 2015). The priority was faculty development. The simulation council created a 12-module curriculum that included three levels with four modules each. The Bay Area Simulation Collaborative (BASC) in California has a similar model with four levels of training: novice, advanced-beginner, competent and train the trainer or advanced (Waxman,, 2011).
Maryland has two initiatives funded by the Nurse Support Program II through Competitive Institutional Grants. Each of these funded programs promoted an increased use and quality of simulations in nursing education. The Maryland Community College Simulation Users Network (MCCSUN) was developed by Hagerstown Community College and provided training and collaboration among Maryland’s community colleges. This network is continued through sponsorship of the Maryland Organization of Associate Degree Nursing programs (MD-OADN), Johns’ Hopkins University School of Nursing developed and implemented an intensive training program for Simulation Education Leaders. The Maryland Faculty Academy for Simulation Teaching in Nursing Education (M-FAST) provided week-long faculty training sessions for community college and university partners.
Academic Calendar
9/22: Deadline for ASEL Applications
10/4: Open Forum
10/8: Steering Committee Meeting (12:00 PM - 2:00 PM) Zoom *tentative
10/23: ASEL (SEL I to SEL II) Live (1)
10/24: Sim Directors Affinity Group (11:30 AM -1:30 PM) - In-person
10/25: ASEL (SEL I to SEL II) Live (2)
10/29: ASEL (SEL I to SEL II) Zoom (3)
11/4: ASEL (SEL I to SEL II) Zoom (4)
11/8: ASEL (SEL I to SEL II) Live (5)
11/15: Journal Club (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM) Zoom
11/21: ASEL (SEL I - SEL II) Live
11/29: Deadline for Nomination - Train the Trainer
12/3: Steering Committee Meeting (12:00 PM - 2:00 PM) Zoom *tentative
12/6: Journal Club (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM) Zoom
12/13: Deadline RSVP Train the Trainer
Train the Trainer Nomination Process and Forms are now available.
MCSRC Simulation Education Workshops are four hour, subject based sessions where institutions are able to make request for workshops, and once approved, MCSRC will travel to the requestor’s site. These simulation workshops will provide simulation education to faculty and/or nurse educators on topics identified as a need at the institution. The MCSRC faculty will deliver the education at your college/university/hospital. The nomination form must be submitted along with a letter of support by the Dean, Director or Chief Nurse Officer.
Workshop Descriptions
In response to the pandemic, many nursing educators who have limited knowledge or training in simulation have had to facilitate virtual clinicals, an environment that is unfamiliar to most faculty. MCSRC has a developed new virtual course designed to prepare faculty to facilitate virtual clinicals. This course is available to all Maryland faculty (both part time and full time).
If you would like to participate in this course, please complete this formnew window.
Simulation Resources
The MCSRC in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University SON is pleased to announce
availability of online Interprofessional Education Modules.
IPE 2.0
Module 1 - Interprofessional Care Coordinator Rounds
Module 2 - Readmission Reduction Simulation
Module 3 - Preventing Medication Errors
Module 4 - Discharge Planning during Team Rounds
Module 5a - Resuscitation in the COVID-19 Era: Shock Advised
Module 5b - Resuscitation in the COVID-19 Era: Non Shockable Rhythm
Module 6 - Caring for Pediatric Patients and Families with Congenital Heart Disease
Module 7 - Caring for Clients with Substance Use During Labor and Birth
IPE 1.0
Infant Medicationnew window
Pain Managementnew window
Fire Emergencynew window
Introduction to IPE and Debriefingnew window
Faculty Biographies

Monique Davis, PhD, MSN, RN (Project Director), is originally from the Washington, DC area. She graduated from the University of Delaware, where she earned a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN). She earned a Master’s of Science Degree in Nursing with a concentration in Nursing Education (MSN) from Marymount University in Virginia. Dr. Davis was conferred with a Doctor of Philosophy in Education with a Specialization in Nursing Education from Capella University (PhD) in Minnesota. Her dissertation was entitled “A Quasi-Experimental Study Examining The Impact Of Web-Based Simulation On The Critical Thinking Skills Of Associate Degree Nursing Students.”
Dr. Davis has been a registered nurse for 15 years. She served the nursing community in areas related to women and children's health. She has over eight years of nursing education experience. These experiences include working as a clinical instructor, professor, both in the classroom and online instruction. She has been employed with several colleges and universities in the Washington, DC area that educate associate and baccalaureate level nursing students. Dr. Davis is currently the Dean of Montgomery College Health Sciences Department. She is passionate about educating nurses. She is an advocate for the use of technology to enhance the educational experiences of nursing students.

Jasline Moreno, MSN, RN, CHSE (Lead Faculty), is a full time faculty member at Montgomery College. She is currently serving as faculty lead to the Maryland Clinical Resource Consortium (MCSRC), which is a statewide funding initiative under the auspices of the Nurse Support Program II and the Maryland Higher Education Commission. Jasline received formal simulation training from the Maryland Faculty Academy for Simulation Teaching (MFAST) at John’s Hopkins University and Maryland Clinical Simulation Resource Consortium (MCSRC). Jasline is active in national and state nursing organizations; she is currently participating in the NLN Leadership Institute for Simulation Educators. She is passionate about simulation and fostering civility in nursing. She has coauthored simulations, which can be found on the Montgomery College simulation library page. She has also presented at many local and national conferences on these topics.

Raquel Bertiz, PhD, RN, CNE (Lead Faculty), is a full-time faculty member of the Nursing Program in Montgomery College. She is a nurse with various clinical experiences in Maternal-Child Health and medical-surgical nursing but her passion for education eventually led her to a full-time academic life. As a full-time faculty member, Raquel was part of several teams teaching Maternal Child Nursing, Fundamentals of Nursing, Medical Surgical Nursing and Health Assessment. She was actively involved in a program that facilitates academic progression of current students in the Associate Degree in Nursing to bachelor’s degree in nursing. Dr. Bertiz’s involvement in simulation-based education includes writing multi-patient simulation scenarios for the MC Nursing Program, developing training materials for debriefing and serving as faculty of the MCSRC. She is currently a co-lead faculty of the MCSRC and a lead member of the simulation team at Montgomery College Nursing Program.
Steering Committee Members & Affiliation
Raquel Bertiz, PhD., RN, NCE., CHSE
Maryland Clinical Simulation Resource Consortium
Susan Bunting, MSN, RN
Community College of Baltimore County
Paul (Rick) Cooper, MSN, RN, CRNI
Allegany College of Maryland
Debra Coppedge, MSN, RN
Bowie State University
Amy Daniels, MS, PhD(c), RN, CHSE
University of Maryland
Denyce Watties-Daniels, DNP, RN, OLC-C
Coppin State University
Monique Davis, PhD, MSN, RN
Maryland Clinical Simulation Resource Consortium Director, Montgomery College
Lauren Dawson, MSN, RN
Cecil Community College
Adam Dodson, NRP, NCEE, CCEMTP
The Johns Hopkins Medicine Simulation Center
Matthew J. Dorsey, RN
Hagerstown Community College
Deborah A. Higgins MS, RN, CHSE
The H. Norman Baetjer, Jr., & Jeanne H. Baetjer Center for Nursing Excellence
Greater Baltimore Medical Center
Jasline Moreno MSN,RN,CHSE
Maryland Clinical Simulation Resource Consortium Faculty Lead, Montgomery College
Tonya Schneidereith, PhD, CRNP, PPCNP-BC, CPNP-AC, CNE, CHSE-A, ANEF, FAAN
University of Maryland School of Nursing
Tammy Schwaab BA, MS, RN, CHSE
Carroll Community College
Dixie Sollazzo, MSN, RN
Wor-Wic Community College
Nancy Sullivan, DNP, RN
Johns Hopkins
Monica S. Thomas, MBA
Interim Director Health Sciences Program Effectiveness, Montgomery College
David Timms, M.DE, NRP, CHSE, CHSOS
Chesapeake College
Mia Waldron, MSN-Ed, RN-BC, CPN
Maryland Nurses Association
Discipline: Nursing
Student Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Expected Simulation Run Time: 15-20 minutes
Guided Reflection Time: 40 minutes
End of Life: Simulation Guide (PDF, )
Student Level:
Expected Simulation Run Time:
Guided Reflection Time:
March 2021new window
February 2021new window
December 2020new window
November 2020new window
October 2020new window
September 2020new window
August 2020new window
All Maryland nursing programs have now been benchmarked by The Maryland Clinical Simulation Resource Consortium (MCSRC). The MCSRC Benchmark for Equipment & Materials established a baseline necessary for quality simulation experiences. The core simulators identified to meet the Maryland Nurse Practice Act and the National Council State Boards of Nursing Simulation Guidelines are: 1. Adult High Fidelity Simulator, 2. Birthing High Fidelity Simulation with High Fidelity Neonate, 3. Pediatric High Fidelity Simulator and 4. Infant High Fidelity Simulator.
Now that the Benchmark has been completed, MHEC has entrusted the MCSRC with the responsibility of awarding Equipment & Materials. The option of instructional equipment (simulation included) formerly awarded through the Resource Grant, has been redirected to be processed through MCSRC.
Previous Awardees:
2019 (PDF, )
2018 (PDF, )
2017 (PDF, )
2016 (PDF, )
First Time Simulation Experiencenew window by Denise Lyons
Importance of Integrating EHRs in Simulationnew window by Latasha Cousar
Interprofessional Education Integration of Advanced Practice Nursing Simulationsnew window by Jill Buterbaugh
Happy Health Care Simulation Week from the MCSRC!new window
Relationship-based Simulation: The key to academic-community partnershipnew window by Hannah Murphy Buc
Creating a Sim Teamnew window by Cathy Sikora
Integrating Simulation into a NICU Nurse Residency Fellowship Programnew window by Dawn Brittingham
DML in Multi-patient Simulationsnew window by Raquel Bertiz
Entrepreneurnew window by Linda Goodman
Psychological Safetynew window by Amy Daniels
Using Simulation to Decrease Incivilitynew window by Jasline Moreno
What's in the Prop Box?new window by Cassandra Hall
Implementing NCSBN Guidelines for Substitutionnew window by Denyce Watties-Daniels
Happy Healthcare Simulation Week!new window
The Multiple Patient Simulation Experiencenew window by Nancy Sullivan
Thoughts on Developing a Sim Centernew window by Crystel Farina
Curriculum Integrationnew window by Tonya Schneidereith
Curriculum Integration Stepwise Model (PDF, )
Simulation Curriculum Map Worksheet (PDF, )
Beyond the Diagnosisnew window by Rick Cooper & Sandy Clark
Beyond the Diagnosis Simulation Post-Op (PDF, )
Pediatric Simulationnew window by Laura Nicholson & Ashleigh Harlow
Standard Patientsnew window by Myra Dennis