Faculty and Staff
Department Chair | Dept. Administrative Aides | Full-time Faculty | Part-time Faculty | Staff |
Email: monique.davis@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5622
Office Location: Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus, HC 419a
Educational Background
- Ph.D - Capella University
- MSN, Marymount University
- BSN, University of Delaware
Email: tilandra.rhyne@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5673
Office Location: Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus, HC 144
Department Chair
Email: timothy.fuss@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5652
Office Location: Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus, HC 128
Educational Background
- Ph.D. – University of North Dakota
- BSN, University of Maryland Baltimore
- MSN, Case Western Reserve University
Department Administrative Aides
Surgical Technology, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Radiologic Technology, Fire Science
Email: sharare.jones@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5563
Office Location: Takoma Park Silver Spring Campus, HC-435
Educational Background
AA, Business, Montgomery CollegeHealth Enhancement, Exercise Science, Physical Education (TP/SS), Health Information Management, Physical Therapist Assistant
Email: sherry.randolph@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5520
Office Location: Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus, HC 238
Educational Background
BS, Psychology, Minor: Criminal Justice, University of Maryland University College,
Adelphi, MD
MS, Interdisciplinary Studies in Management, University of Maryland University College,
Adelphi, MD
Full-Time Faculty
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Email: linda.zanin@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5569
Office Location: Takoma Park Silver Spring Campus, HC 437
Educational Background
Ed.D. Doctorate of Science, The George Washington University
M.A. Education and Human Development, The George Washington University
B.S. Biology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
B.S. Diagnostic Imaging, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Thomas Jefferson University
Email: lee.shryock@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5567
Office Location: Takoma Park Silver Spring Campus, HC 439
Educational Background
A.A.S. Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Montgomery College
A.A.S. Veterinary Technology, Abraham Baldwin College
Office Location: Takoma Park Silver Spring Campus, HC 435
Educational background
B.A. Elementary Education, U.M.B.C
B.A. Psychology, U.M.B.C
A.A.S Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Montgomery College
Email: Kathy.Dayton@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-7580
Office Location: Takoma Park Silver Spring Campus, PE245
Educational Background
MA, Community Health Promotion, Trinity College, 2000
BS, Behavioral and Social Health, University of MD, University College, 1998
Email: patrice.whiting@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5528
Office Location: Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus, HC 362
Email: tonya.powell@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5519
Office Location: Germantown Campus, HC-242
Office Hours: Tuesday & Wednesday 10:00am – 1:00pm, or by appointment.
Tonya Powell Witherspoon, MSA, RHIA, CHDA, CCS, is a Professor and Clinical Education Coordinator in the Health Information Management Program. She is also an adjunct faculty member at the University of Maryland University College in the Baccalaureate Health Services Management Program. Professor Witherspoon brings fifteen years of experience in the education and competency-based training of Health Information Management Professionals and students. She is a high-performing leader with over 30 years of healthcare experience.Educational Background
A.A.S. Health Information Management, Prince Georges Community CollegeB.S. Healthcare Administration, Washington Adventist University
M.S. Healthcare Administration, University of Maryland University College
Email: corinne.smith@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5521
Office Location: Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus, HC/243
Corinne M. Smith, Ph.D., MBA, RHIA, CCS, CDIP, CHDA, is a Professor and Program Coordinator for the Health Information Management and Medical Coding programs at Montgomery College. She is also an adjunct faculty member at UMGC and Purdue Global University. Dr. Smith is an AHIMA Certified ICD-10-CM/PCS trainer with twenty-five years of experience teaching health information management and clinical coding. She has contributed to many medical coding books and educational programs for the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). She is a Commissioner for CCHIIM and serves on the AHIMA CCS Exam Review Committee.Educational Background
A.A.S. Health Information Management, Northern Virginia Community College
B.S. Health Information Management, Stephens College
M.B.A. Clinical Information Systems, Stephens College
Ph.D. Educational Psychology, Capella University
Email: anniet.glenn@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5524
Office Location: Germantown Campus, HSC-240
Educational Background
MS, Management, UMUC
BS, Health Sciences, Old Dominion
AAS, Physical Therapist Assistant, Northern Virginia
Email: kemi.okunseinde@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-1451
Office Location: Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus, HC 240
Email: Rose.aehle@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5564
Office Location: Takoma Park Silver Spring Campus, HC-442
Educational Background
AA: Radiologic Technology, Montgomery College 1978
BS: Health Care Administration, Columbia Union College, 2000
MS: Education, Johns Hopkins University, 2006
Email: Kathy.lewandowski@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5565
Office Location: Takoma Park Silver Spring Campus, HC 441
Education Background
AAS, Radiology, Montgomery College
BS, Health Science Administration, Columbia Union College
Educational background
- BS in Radiologic Science from Adventist University (Orlando, FL)
- AAS in Radiography from The Community College of Baltimore County
Part-Time Faculty
Email: linda.hughes@mongtomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5563
Office Location: Takoma Park Silver Spring Campus, HC 435
Educational Background
Registered Diagnostic Cardiac Sonographer
Email: shabina.nazir@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5563
Office Location: Takoma Park Silver Spring Campus, HSC 435
Educational Background
M.B.A. Amity University, Delhi, India
B.S. Chemistry, Biology, University of Kashmir, India
A.A.S. Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Montgomery College
Email: garrett.rolen@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5563
Office Location: Takoma Park Silver Spring Campus, HC 435
Educational Background
B.A. Government and Politics, University of Maryland
A.A.S. Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Montgomery College
Email: biruk.teklehaymanot@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5563
Office Location: Takoma Park Silver Spring Campus, HC 435
Email: matt.theis@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5563
Office Location: Takoma Park Silver Spring Campus, HC 435
Educational Background
B.S. Mechanical Engineering Technology, Michigan Technological University
A.A.S. Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Montgomery College
A.A.S. Mechanical Engineering Design Technology, Michigan Technological University
Email: connie.wesley@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5563
Office Location: Takoma Park Silver Spring Campus, HC 435
Educational Background
B.S. Health Sciences Management (in process), University of Maryland, University College
A.A.S. Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Montgomery College
Physical Therapist Assistant
Email: angela.venerablejoyner@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5520
Office Location: Germantown Campus, HSC-238
Educational Background
MS, Krannert School of Health Sciences
Certificate in Physical Therapy, Mayo School of Health-Related Sciences
Howard University, Graduate School of Medicine - (completed 72 hours towards Ph.D
in Pharmacology)
BA, Mundelein College
BS, Mundelein College
Fire Science
Email: mark.bird@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-7580
Office Location: Takoma Park Silver Spring Campus, PE 245
Educational Background
BS. Management, University of Maryland University College, 2000
AAS, Fire Science, Montgomery College, 1996
Email: john.dimitriadis@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-7580
Office Location: Takoma Park Silver Spring Campus, PE 245
Educational Background
MS, Management/Homeland Security, University of MD, University College, 2015
BS, Emergency Health Services (Management Track), University of Maryland - Baltimore
County, 1999
Health Information Management
Email: savonne.montue@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5520
Educational Background
A.A.S. Health Information Management, Prince George’s Community College
B.S. Healthcare Administration, Washington Adventist University
M.B.A. Healthcare Administration, Washington Adventist University
Professional Credentials: RHIT, CPC
Radiologic Technology
Email: Kimberlyn.murphybaker@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5563
Office Location: Takoma Park Silver Spring Campus, HC 435
Email: staci.smith@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5563
Office Location: Takoma Park Silver Spring Campus, HC 435
Educational Background
M.A., Healthcare Administration, University of Phoenix (Phoenix, AZ)
B.S. Organizational Management, Columbia Union College (Takoma Park, MD)
Certification in Radiologic Technology, Holy Cross Hospital School of Radiologic Technology
(Silver Spring, MD)
Email: monica.thomas@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5535
Office Location: Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus, HC 241
Monica S. Thomas, MBA is the currently the Director of Health Sciences Program Effectiveness
at Montgomery College (MC). For the last few years she worked as Program Manager
of the Maryland Clinical Simulation Resource Consortium (MCSRC), a 5-year, 3 million
dollar NSP II grant project, housed at MC. Monica earned her Bachelors of Science
from Howard University and her Masters Business Administration from the University
of Phoenix.
Her experience in the development and maintenance of major programs is a direct result
of multi-faceted environments including the abovementioned MCSRC, and the J. Craig
Venter Institute (JCVI), a leading Genetic Research organization in the world, where
she worked intimately within multiple molecular biology laboratories on highly validated
high throughput sequencing pipelines, mastering evolving DNA sequencing automated
technologies. While with JCVI, she transitioned into Science Educator/Education Outreach
Coordinator roles, playing a leading role in the organization’s Education Department
outreach programming, Discover Genomics! Some time ago,
Monica worked for the Carnegie Institution for Science’s Carnegie Academy of Science
Education (CASE)/Math for America DC (MfA-DC), as MfA DC Program Manager, participating
in all aspects of program maintenance including full planning and implementation of
MfA DC Fellowship and Master Teacher Programs.
Learning Skills Support Specialist
Email: stephanie.mbella@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5808
Office Location: Germantown Campus, HC 226A
Email: denise.williams@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5553
Office Location: Germantown Campus, HC 226B
Ms. Williams is a Learning Skills Support Specialist in the Health Sciences Institute
at Montgomery College (Takoma Park/Silver Springs Campus) in Montgomery County. She
previously worked as an Academic Program Specialist and Co-Director of the Academic
Success Center in the Office of the Dean, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
at Coppin State University; she has been an Academic Advisor for 13 years at Coppin
State University since 1998. As an educator with 30 years of teaching experience,
Ms. Williams taught Elementary and Middle School, Freshman Seminar and 4 Psychology
courses at Coppin State University. Presently, she is also an Adjunct Professor with
the Applied Psychology and Rehabilitation Counseling Department. In addition, Ms.
Williams is an educational trainer who was professionally trained in January 2014
by the Center for Teaching Excellence – “Time to Teach” Program as a consultant to
train teachers on all levels how to manage their classrooms.
Originally, from Harlem, New York, Ms. Williams is a proud alumnus of the State University
of New York at Stony Brook where she received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Liberal
Arts (Psychology Emphasis – Minor in Child Care and Family Studies) and earned her
Master of Science Degree in Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counseling from Coppin State
University. Ms. Williams is the Founder and Executive Director of the “Coppin Student
Parent Organization” which started in the spring 2015 semester at Coppin State University.
Ms. Williams has also served as President, Vice-President, Treasurer and now Historian
of the PSI CHI Honor Society in Psychology (Coppin State University Chapter). Furthermore,
she is a member of the Chi Sigma Iota Counseling Academic and Professional International
Honor Society, The Tau Gamma Delta Sorority, Incorporated, and the National Academic
Advising Association (NACADA).
Ms. Williams is a single parent who raised 3 sons. She is also a proud grandmother
of a 15-year-old granddaughter, Nija. She enjoys teaching, assisting and empowering
individuals, having special family time, watching old movies, listening to oldies
music, going to concerts, and loves seafood. Ms. Williams most respected credos are:
“Forward Ever, Backwards Never”, “Applied Knowledge is Power”, and “A Student for
Educational Background
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Liberal Arts (Psychology Emphasis – Minor in Child Care
and Family Studies) - State University of New York at Stony Brook
Master of Science Degree in Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counseling - Coppin State
University, Baltimore, MD.
Medical Learning Center
Email: Sarah.Netzel-Arnett@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5592
Office Location: Takoma Park Silver Spring Campus, HC 221
Office Hours: MTR 9:30 - 6:00 p.m., W 10:30 - 7:00 p.m., F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Worked for nearly 20 years in Biomedical Research with scientists from around the
world. Today I truly enjoy assisting our diverse and dedicated MC Health Sciences
students, the future caring and highly skilled professionals in healthcare
Educational Background
Ph.D. Molecular Biophysics, Florida State University
Email: Grace.Gourdine@montgomerycollege.edu
Phone: 240-567-5591
Office Location: Takoma Park Silver Spring Campus, HC 221
Educational Background
Masters in Health Information Technology
Bachelors in Business Administration