The Sligo Journal
About Us

The Sligo Journal is an online, campus- and community-based arts and letters journal
which features the work of the Montgomery College-Takoma Park/Silver Spring campus
and the Takoma Park/Silver Spring community. The journal features original art, photography,
fiction, nonfiction, and poetry in English as well as in Arabic, French, and Spanish
with the translation, when possible.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions are accepted year-round. There is no restriction on style, form, or content (other than work should be free of extremely objectionable content). The length for poetry and fiction is also open; however, short stories should not exceed 10 pages.
Original work (fiction, nonfiction and poetry) may be in Arabic, English, French or
Spanish (as these are the languages the English and Reading Department teaches on
campus). If in a language other than English, a translation may also be included but
it is not required.
Work can either be unpublished or published; however, the poet/writer/artist must
still have rights to the work and be able to tell us where the work appeared so we
credit the publication (name, date, issue).
All rights to any work in The Sligo Journal revert back to the owner after online and possibly print publication.
With regard to art/photos, the work needs to be at 300 dpi (color and/or black and
white) - the size can always be reduced via software for our purposes.
Please send inquiries and work (in a Word or Rich Text Format document or inside the
email) electronically to:
Staff and Contributing Editors
Michael LeBlanc, Editor-in-Chief
David Lott, Poetry Editor
Jenny Walton and Pablo Callejo, Art Photography
Contributing Editors
Ian Sydney March
Heather Satrom
Esther Schwartz-McKinzie
Greg Wahl
Student Interns
Adriana Regalado, Logo Design
Mary Yilma, Promotion & Proofreading
Artwork by: Mariah Alvarez, Roy Beri, Kyllie Castellanos, Carter Cordle, Doris Eisen, Raynier Hernandez, Dave Hysom, Dana Idnay, Elielle Kayomb, Gordon Lyon, anisha McIver, Thuan-anh Nguyen, Terry Quill, Andrea Portillo, Jade Rivas, Charles Ross, Eden Roy, Yujin Sasaki, Madison Thomas, Alicia Valderrama, Shirley Washington
Fiction by: Sofia Hall-Levin, Eden Roy
Poetry by: Blossom Anyanwu, Stella Biles, Derrick Weston Brown, Barbara Callendar, Salem Celentano, Brian Cortez-Flores, Moss Do Carmo, Selam Legesse, Mac McKinzie
Artwork by: Yuthaphong Angsuworaphuek, Alexander Beaudreau, Carina Cain, Niamh Ducey, Marilyn Glass, Lisa Howard, Nicolette Israel, Avery Johnston, Maureen Feely Kohl, Suzanne Maggi, Barbara Milton, Fritz Mirand, Ezechukwu Samuel Obi, Xin Ray Penland Obrien, Mary Ott, Terri Quill, Giselle Ramos, Anaïs Llufire Siclla
Fiction by: Allan Bernal, Alexandra Bouvier, Ilana Maiman, Reed Reilly
Poetry by: Swift Dickison, ChatGPT, David Alberto Fernández, Shelley Jones, Luz Stella Mejía, Neha Misra, Heather Bruce Satrom, Liat Suvorov, Ted
Back Issues
Artwork by: Aruqayyah Aakilbey, Veronique Bloomquist, Emily Boa, Camilo Camacho, Lily Chung, Alina Delcid, Lynn Kidder, Rafael Rodriguez, Aranthza Sanchez Acosta
Fiction by: Rodas Mekonnen, Jeremiah Towle, Mary-Kate Wilson
Poetry by: Alexzander Baetsen, Dustin Duby-Koffman, Hamza Ewing, Silmarien Grinath, Jack Hairston, Elisha Patrice, Erin Petersen, Camryn Stalvey, Eden Unger, Elizabeth Vandegrift, Mary-Kate Wilson
Artwork by: Adamaris Chaj, Brandon Geurts, Gabriela Franco, Jennifer Guzman, Lynn Kidder, Mike David Legrand, Mary Mena, Eliott Ngripou, Sultana Rahim, Monica Yuliza Rodriguez, Junior Tchapdieu, Lisa Trevino, Ella Valenstein, Isabella Versiani
Fiction by: Sue Page Hughson, Sevin Hannon
Poetry by: Gloria Jackson, Alejandro Leopardi, Jakob Little, Sam Nguyen, Tharma Philogene, Harper Robinson, Joseph Ross, Marianne Szlyk, Sarah Tedla, NaBeela Washington
Artwork by: Jennifer Arevalo; Mariza June Avila; Larry Cole; Amanuel Fetene; Barbara Gelman; Zaiasia Jones; David Legrand; Lincoln Mudd; Long Nguyen; Rafael Rodriguez; Asa Rogers; Monica Sivak; Julia Smith; Richard Soben; Joann Everly Tell; Ella Valenstein; Alfonso Vicencio; Ian White
Fiction by: Ethan Christy; Ruth Henderson; Alexandra Higgins; Esther Schwartz-McKinzie; Jeremiah Towle
Poetry by: Nneoma Kanu; Wilny Edouard; Virginia Hartman; Byrne Hackett Kelly; David Linehan; Sydney March; Julianne Murphy; Kathleen O’Toole; Maria Paz Pereira Martinez; Judy Walsh-Mellett; Ann Weisgerber
Artwork by: Tiya Kefale Adugna; Iman Asfari; Robert Chanin; Julia Martinez-Rivas; Iris McTaggart; Fritz Mirand; Ziti Parrilla; Phounam Pin; Audrey Quesnel; Melissa Rojas; Jowaine Thompson; Alexis Vega; Shirley N. Washington; Edom Weldegeorgis; Ayathma Wickramasinghe; ;Alissa Williams; Yujie (Denny) Xu
Fiction by: Carolyn Jew; Theodore Jonas; Amanda Livingston; Callie Sullivan
Poetry by: Joseph Baldi Acosta; Stephen Bess; Caroline Christoff; Clif Collins; Jona Colson; Alejandra Franks; Arlene Goldberg-Gist; Joanna Howard; Albert Kapikian; Roman Kostovski; Kateema Lee; Alexis Levitin; Salgado Maranhão; Stanley Niamatali; Noni; Anna Sohn; Marie-Andréa Djelhi Yahot
Poetry by: Indran Amirthanayagam; Karen Vanessa Najarro Cáceres; Keyne Cheshire; Henry Crawford; Nicolas Garcia; JoAnne Growney; Carol Jennings; Stephen Katz; Richard Lorr; Yvette Neisser; Kathleen O’Toole; Maggie Rosen; Esther Schwartz-McKinzie; Anaïs Tana; Chenelle Williams
Artwork by: Bianca Bah; Mark Behme; Michelle Bulatovic; Robert Chanin; Jasmin Cornejo; Celibel Cortes; Laiz Nascimento Dias; Jahid Edmonds; Oriana Delgado Gomez; Elijah Hill; Joann Everly Tell
Fiction by: West Gipson; Beersheeva Hodge; Paola Mantilla
Poetry by: Jonathan Acuna-Lopez; Abigail Beckel; Nancy Naomi Carlson; Jonathan Korns; Richard Lorr; Zander Foster Phillips
Artwork by: Amendiana Adam; Curtis Berry; Robert Chanin; Mel Barkin; Charles Deutsch; Shannon Ewing; Tery Honeyghan; Fritz Mirand; Sunni Morgan; Barbara Pliskin; Esther Schwartz-McKinzie; Joann Everly Tell
Fiction by: Nicholas Fosta; Valerie Gormley; Antonio Luis Mendez
Poetry by: Livia Abramoff; Jonathan Avila; Alex Barringer; Patrice Belton; Grace Cavalieri; Teri Ellen Cross Davis; Anya Higman; Richard Lorr; Osee Obaonrin; René Pedraza del Prado; Kim Roberts; Susan Scheid; Adriel Vega
Artwork by: Janet Berry; Charles Deutsch; Bree Douthitt; Tiffani Gomez; John Guernsey; Charles Loren Johnson; Mariette Klein; Miyoung Lee; Richard Lorr; Carlista Martin; Betzaid a Nolasco; Paul Steinkoenig; Joann Everly Tell; Andrew Wilkinson
Fiction by: Waringa Hunja; Marcia Marroquin; Adam Payton
Poetry by: Livia Abramoff; Claudia Cassoma; Christian Chavez; Teri Cross Davis; Melissa Diaz; Rachel Dilima; Tsaitami Duchicela; Alex Guerrero; Merrill Leffler; Saundra Rose Maley; Mark McIntosh; Mary Ann Nyamweya; Natalia Schoch; Amber Smithers; Galene Elizabeth Wong
Artwork by: Nataly Bermejo; Curtis R. Berry; Julie Deibel; Anna Galleano; Charles Hope; Maggie Kuo, Kirsty Little; Sunni Morgan; Amanda Reardon; Briana Smith; Holly Trout; Sharon Willig; Joe Yanez
Fiction by: Daniel Beels; Maya Reid
Poetry by: Joseph Baldi Acosta; Miguel Aldaco; Anne Becker; Nancy Naomi Carlson; Suzanne Dracius; Tranetta Franklin; Arturo Garcia; Brenda Lopez; Judith McCombs; Larry Moffi; Yvette Neisser Moreno; Katy Richey; Joseph Ross; Terence Winch
Artwork by: Hana Bekele; Matt Bessel; Jevon Brooks; Edelweiss Calcagno; Pablo Callejo; Deborah Gay; Bruno Emilio Marcenaro; Eric Meile; Danielle Smith
Fiction by: Andrew Mayn; Josybett Claros Nava; Joel Collins Sati; Rachel Williamson