Internal Engagements

Dr. Williams visits students in a Rockville Campus classroom
Meeting faculty and staff has given me wide exposure to diverse experiences across the College, including:
- Faculty and Staff councils, listening sessions, division meetings
- E-learning, Innovation and Teaching Excellence (ELITE) panel
- Part-time Faculty Conference
- President’s Advisory Council on Equity and Inclusion meetings
- Building our Networks of Diversity event
- Adult ESOL and Literacy Grant event
- Alternative Certification for Teachers open house
- American Association for Women in Community Colleges event
- Maryland Community College's Association for Continuing Education and Training meeting
- Leadership Development Institute graduation
- Ethics and Compliance Fellows graduation
- Collegewide Deans group
- All Administrators meetings
- President’s Executive Cabinet meetings
- Catherine and Isiah Leggett Building ceremony
- Union leaders: AAUP, AFSCME, SEIU
- MC Governance 10th Anniversary celebration
- Presidential Transition Advisory Committee meetings
- Compliance and Ethics Fellowships Program and Advisory Workgroup meeting
- Spring Montgomery College Board of Trustees retreat
- Montgomery College Foundation’s Executive Committee meeting
Engaging with students has meant meeting them where they are and hearing what matters most to them:
- Humanities Students Cherry Blossom event
- Montgomery Scholars Capstone event
- Montgomery Scholars Program Annual Colloquium
- Men Empowering Network (M.E.N)
- MC’s Got Talent
- Earth Week events
- Art Walk
- Raptor Central
- Student Council
- Roundtables, classroom visits, athletic events
- ACES graduation
- Graduate Transition Program graduation
- Social Justice Inclusive Leadership Institute
- Student Life Honors and Awards event
- Dual Enrollment Recognition ceremony
- Excellence in Equity awards ceremony
- Informal conversations walking around
- Interviews with students in student newspapers: The Advocate, The Excalibur, The Globe
- Presidential Scholars Program celebration
- Athletics banquet
- Frank Islam Athenaeum Speaker Series

MC Regional XX Champions in Volleyball

At the 2022 ACES Awards

At the May 14 grand opening of the ignITe Hub, a collaborative partnership between
Montgomery College WDCE, MCPS, and Montgomery County, created to ignite and inspire
innovation in Montgomery County.

Dr. Williams speaks at the ignITe Hub Opening.

MC Regional XX Champions in Women's Soccer

Dr. Williams visits with students in the classroom on the Rockville Campus.
First Impressions
- Introduction
- Accomplishments and Aspirations
- Internal Engagements
- External Engagements
- Next Steps

What People are Saying
“I hardly know words eloquent enough to express the gratitude of all students for
your support…We feel seen and validated.”
Layann Bashir (at the Leggett Building Topping-off Ceremony)
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