Bellwether Award

Established in 1995, the Bellwether Awards are a long-standing, respected award solely awarded to innovative community colleges. The rigorous award competition is an integral part of the Community College Futures Assembly. The 30 Bellwether Finalists are invited to present their program in a final round of competition among selected peer institutions. The Assembly is sponsored by the Alamo Colleges District and focuses on cutting-edge, trendsetting programs that are worthy of scaling and replication, given their evidence-based outcomes and indicators. The Bellwether Awards are given annually in three categories to community colleges with outstanding and innovative programs or practices. Ten colleges are selected in each of three categories. The award categories are Instructional Programs and Services (IPS), Planning, Governance and Finance (PGF), and Workforce Development (WD).
The Bellwether Award has been compared to football’s Heisman Award because it is competitively judged and is awarded by respected peers in leadership positions. Recipients of the Bellwether Award have said that it has been a springboard for other types of recognition and/or funding.
Montgomery College was selected to participate in the Community College Futures Assembly program as a Top 10 Bellwether Finalists in the category of Planning, Governance, and Finance. Our submission of “Montgomery College’s Participatory Governance Process" was judged, and we were invited to compete for the Bellwether Award for 2022. There was a three-part submission requirement; a digital binder, a showcase review presentation, and a 60-minute PowerPoint presentation session. The Governance Director, Dr. Clevette M. Ridguard, and College Council Chair, Ms. Kimberly Jones traveled to San Antonio, Texas for the competition which was held on February 27, 2022 thru March 1, 2022.
Governance Digital Binder (PDF, )
Governance Brochure (PDF, )