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Pre-Academic Programs and Workshops

Would you like to improve your placement test scores? There is a wide variety of pre-academic programs designed to help you do just that.  One of the goals of these programs is to help students get the skills they need to retake the placement test(s) necessary to matriculate to credit course work. Scroll down to find the program that is right for you. 

 ESL Program

The  ESL  program helps people who speak other languages develop the language skills they need to study in a college or university in the U.S.  English language learners take ESL classes to help them improve their English and prepare for the Accuplacer ESL, a test they must take to continue their studies at Montgomery College.   

Most students will need to take additional coursework in the English Language for Academic Purposes (ELAP) program before beginning courses in their major field of study.  ESL classes help students improve their English writing, speaking, grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening and study skills. Class sizes are limited to 18 students or fewer.  Professors have Master’s degrees in or related to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.     

For more information contact:

Connecting Reading and Writing Program

The Connecting Reading and Writing Program is designed to enhance reading comprehension, writing skills and vocabulary building.  Reading and writing skills are combined in this class in a comprehensive, systematic progression.  In twenty-five sessions, students receive instruction in reading comprehension and vocabulary building.  Students learn to identify the main idea, follow a sequence of events and recognize supporting details. Students are taught test-taking skills, and they prepare for the Next Generation Accuplacer placement exam. 

The goal of the program is for students to retake the Next Generation Accuplacer test and matriculate to credit course work. The majority of the students are placed in the Connecting Reading and Writing Program based on their initial Next  Generation Accuplacer reading score of 200 to 226 points. 

For more information contact:

Contact Karla Nabors for more information. 

Bridge to Academic and Career Success Program

The Bridge to Academic and Career Success is a learning community program designed for students who have an initial Next Generation Accuplacer reading score of 227 to 236 points.  The Bridge learning community is a one-semester, non-credit program that includes an integrated reading and writing course as well as a student success and career-planning seminar.

Students in the Bridge program will retake the Next Generation Accuplacer reading test at the end of the semester and meet with a Bridge coach to determine their eligibility to continue on to college credit courses or to explore non-credit options.

Students are encouraged to meet with a Bridge coach before registering for classes.

Residents of Montgomery County who have graduated from Montgomery County high schools may be eligible to apply for a special Bridge Grant. Grant funds are limited and FAFSA must be competed to apply.

For more information contact:

Rockville Campus:  Margo Barnett, Professor/ Coordinator of Counseling, 240-567-7916, or Debra Kieper, Adjunct Professor/Bridge Coach, 240-567-1769,

Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus and Germantown Campus: Mary Margaret Delaney, Adjunct Professor/ Bridge Coach 240-567-5242,

Math Power Boost

Math Power Boost is a program designed for students who would like to improve their math placement test scores. Prior to registration call for assessment and placement information at 240-567-7459.

Math Power Boost is a 30-hour review course for students with a score of 13 or less on the ALEKS placement exam. This course covers prealgebra and elementary algebra topics, that prepares qualified students to potentially improve their math course placement. All students must take the assessment test before the first day of class.  

Math Power Boost is offered throughout the year. As part of the course fees, students will be placed into an ALEKS placement cohort. The course fee covers the cost of the placement access. Students must have reliable internet access to complete assignments. In addition, students must bring a notebook to class each day.

For more information contact:

Program Director

For more information view the Math Power Boost schedulenew window.