
Montgomery College Mediation and Conflict Management Program
Interested in becoming a mediator for your job or home? Want to learn how to better
resolve conflicts? Want to learn to listen more effectively, and to be heard? Follow
our program to help you gain the skills required. Mediation and Conflict Management Flyer. (PDF, )
40-Hour Basic Mediation Course
This course is offered once per term (fall, spring, summer)
This 40-hour interactive and experiential training offers participants a how-to guide for conducting mediations of various types of conflicts. An introduction to conflict theory also assists you in exploring your own conflict style and how that may help or hinder the process. You will learn and practice the 7-Step Mediation Model and will learn how to handle anger, listen strategically, balances power, and write agreements. This course fulfills the requirements for Rule 17 of the Maryland Rules of Procedure for Alternative Dispute Resolution. This course is approved for 40 hours from the Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners. See Course Schedule for more information on date/cost/registration.
Mediation and Conflict Management Courses:
Register, schedule, cost
Not all Open Enrollment courses are offered every term
Mediation course meets the requirements of Rule 9-205(c) of the Maryland Rules of Procedures. This interactive course includes lectures, discussions, demonstrations, hands-on exercises, and role plays. It covers Maryland laws on separation, divorce, annulment, child custody and visitation, and child and spousal support. Included are an introduction of family systems and child development theories and an overview of the emotional aspects of divorce and separation.
There will be a discussion on the relationships among custody, visitation, and child support. Students will be taught strategies for handling power imbalances, intimidation, the effects of domestic violence, and ending a mediation safely. Emphasis will be placed on writing good memoranda of understanding that meet the needs of the parents and children. Prerequisite: Students must have completed a 40-hour basic mediation course to enroll in this course. This course is approved for 20 hours from the Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners. You must purchase textbook(s)/materials and bring them to the first class.
Mediation Colloquiums at Montgomery College
Since 2015, the Management & Leadership team at Montgomery College has hosted a Colloquium each fall term highlighting speakers that can teach and inform the community about a topic related to conflict management.

Fall 2019
Speaker: Darlene Floyd
Darlene Floyd, a nationally-known workshop presenter and speaker, provided us with tools and techniques to have difficulty yet powerful conversations on issues of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical and mental ability—conversations that often divide us. We moved from theory to application through group work, exercises and reflection to develop strategies to engage in more meaningful conversations.

Fall 2018
Speaker: Daryl Davis
"How can you hate me if you don't even know me?" is the question that Daryl Davis has asked Ku Klux Klan members over several decades. During this day-long engaging and interactive workshop, Daryl shared stories of his surprising success in opening dialogues with people, like Klan members, who hold beliefs in direct opposition to everything that he stands for. His advice: "Establish dialogue. When two enemies are talking, they're not fighting."

Fall 2017
Speakers: Dan Bernstein (left) and Andre Johnson (right)
This colloquium featured experts in the mental health and substance use fields presenting interactive workshops on basic information and skills that mediators and other conflict resolution specialists need to have when working with individuals with mental health and/or substance use concerns. The objectives of the colloquium was to help conflict resolution specialists and others engage with, validate, and have empowering conversations with these individuals.

Fall 2016
Speakers: Debby Irving (left) and Marvin Johnson, Esq. (right)
We focused on cultural differences in conflict resolution during this interactive colloquium where we discussed the challenges to move from operating within a dominant cultural paradigm to a paradigm that focuses on needs of the parties involved. Attendees also focused on the experiences they have had in their life’s journey and how they have been ingrained into the fabric of who they are today.
Fall 2015
Panel One: Cultural Considerations in Mediation
Faten Gharib
Sarah Kith
Thom McCloud, JD
Diana Ortiz
Panel Two: The Future of Mediation in Maryland
Jack Carpenter, JD
Donna Duquette, JD
Jonathan Rosenthal, Esq
Panel Three: Confidentiality in Mediation
Alan Weiner