Coaching Certification Program

Coaching with Montgomery College
The Coaching Certification Program introduces you to a coaching conversation structure,
coaching core competencies, coaching best practices and skills required to effectively
coach others. After completing this introductory program, you will be able to facilitate
a coaching conversation to support client development and potential. In addition,
you will be provided with coaching forms, templates and exercises to use in working
with coaching clients, both within an organization and in private practice
Completion of this certification program takes two semesters. Certificates are also
awarded for each course. To earn course certificates, and the overall program certificate,
you must attend 100% of the scheduled class hours as well as complete all requirements
set by the instructor. For participants interested in becoming an ICF credentialed
coach, , the curriculum is an approved ICF Level 1 accredited coach training program.
Interested in Coaching?
If you seek to inspire and motivate others, then coaching may be the skill set for you. This emerging field draws on numerous communication approaches and techniques you can use to support others in achieving short and long-term goals by developing a positive approach to all areas of their lives.
Within the program’s first course, Coaching-Introduction To (MGT488), we will address the Montgomery College Coaching Certification Program, the International Coach Federation coach credentialing process and the latest trends in the coaching industry.
Questions? Review the program courses below and then complete the Coaching Certification inquiry Form.
Certification Program & Required Courses:
The upcoming schedule can be seen on the Coaching Flyer. (PDF, )
This is an introductory class offered each term, where we discuss what coaching is - and isn't - distinguishing coaching from mentoring and consulting, coaching core beliefs, the qualities of an effective coach and the essential components of all coaching interventions. We will address the overall Montgomery College Coaching Certification Program, the International Coach Federation coach credentialing process and the latest trends in the coaching industry. 3.5 Hours
Acquire a thorough understanding of the philosophical, historical, and ethical foundations of coaching. Explore similarities and differences between coaching and related disciplines and consider the scope of coaching’s potential. You will learn a defined coaching framework to structure a coaching session, practice using this process in real-time conversations, and observe the effect of these skills as a learner. (Please note that there is pre-work required for this course so early registration is strongly recommended.) 15 Hours
Prerequisite: Coaching-Introduction To
Building on Coaching Clinic-Introduction, this course explores various coaching competencies, operating assumptions, and practices. Continue to experiment with the language of coaching and distinguish between the effects of various techniques. You’ll deepen your learning of how to implement a defined coaching framework to structure a coaching session, learn its benefits, and employ a specific methodology to establish credibility and build trust with the learner. Complete the course with the experience of coaching and being coached in a classroom setting, as well as working with a practice client between classroom sessions. 15 Hours
Prerequisites: Coaching-Introduction To; Coaching Clinic-Introduction.
After taking the Coaching Essentials, Competencies, and Practices course, you must coach practice clients under the guidance of a faculty member through this practicum. 15 Hours
Prerequisites: Coaching-Introduction To; Coaching Clinic-Introduction; and Coaching Essentials, Competencies, and Practices.
Demonstrate your coaching knowledge and skills in a safe and supportive class environment. Feedback from a facilitator during a coaching interaction session clarifies strengths and identifies areas that require continued practice. The Coaching Certification Program’s emphasis on real-world practice and experience is reflected in this review of coaching core competencies. 15 Hours
Prerequisites: Coaching-Introduction To; Coaching Clinic-Introduction; Coaching Essentials, Competencies, and Practices; and Coaching Practicum.
Mentor coaching involves a student being coached on their coaching skills rather than on practice building, life balance or other topics unrelated to the development of a participant’s coaching skill. Mentoring is intended to serve as a development process for the participant that takes place in a repetitive cycle of receiving feedback regarding participant coaching, reflecting on this feedback, and practicing new skills. The focus must be on the development of skills using the ICF Core Competencies.
This program is required for those who need to fulfill the 10-hour mentor coaching requirement for the ICF ACC Level 1 credential, the ACSTH application, the ACC Portfolio Path application, or the ACC credential renewal. Under the guidance and instruction of a qualified Mentor Coach, participants will review all (8) updated ICF Core Competencies for deeper learning in a group setting and work one-on-one with the Mentor Coach to refine the student's individual coaching skills in preparation for the Performance Evaluation (if needed). Resources will also be provided to prepare for the ICF Credential Exam and to complete the ICF ACSTH or Level 1 credential application or for ACC credential renewal application. Per the ICF’s requirement, the program must take place over a minimum of a 3-month period. 10 Hours
Prerequisites: Coaching-Introduction To; Coaching Clinic-Introduction; Coaching Essentials, Competencies, and Practices; Coaching Practicum; and Coaching Mastery.
Coaching for Performance: The Principles and Practice of Coaching and Leadership 5th
Edition, John Whitmore, ISBN #9781473658127 (Published 2017)
Co-Active Coaching: Changing Business, Karen Kimsey-House, Henry Kimsey-House, Phillip
Sandahl, 4th Edition, ISBN #978-1473674981 (Published 2018)
Taming Your Gremlin: A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way,
Richard Carson, ISBN #9780060520229 (Published July 8, 2003)
Coaching Questions: A Coach’s Guide to Powerful Asking Skills, Tony Stoltzfus, ISBN
#9780979416361 (Published April 24, 2008)
Coaching Certification Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
While there are numerous descriptions of coaching, the International Coaching Federation
(ICF) defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative
process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.
Further, coaching is a specific process of interaction designed to help clarify and
achieve business/personal vision, goals or desires. Coaching helps break through limitations
and obstacles that hold a client back and develop the strategies, attitudes and actions
needed to attain the results.
While coaching is a stand-alone skill set, the skills can also be integrated with
many other skill sets (ex. teaching, facilitating, counseling, consulting, mentoring,
In addition, students can expect to develop improved listening, questioning and other
communication skills.
Learning to coach also provides students with the ability to facilitate a coaching
conversation and the ability to apply numerous independent coaching techniques in
professional and personal communications.
Most forms of therapy examine present behavior, beliefs, relationships, and self-image
and attempt to trace their roots back to relationships in the past. As its name implies,
therapy treats a condition that requires healing. In general, therapy looks to the
past to understand and work on the issues and problems of the present.
In contrast, the context of coaching is the future a client wants to have and designing
the necessary plans, attitudes and actions to get there from the present. In the process,
the influences of the past may come up, but always in the context of what the client
wants to have in the future. Though coaching recognizes the traumas of the past, it
assumes the client is a whole person, capable of moving on and taking responsibility
for your current and future actions.
In general, consultants are subject-matter experts who perform actual work who give expert advice to you or your company. Some examples of consultants are accountants, financial advisors, and training specialists. Coaching differs from consulting in a couple of major respects: In most cases, a coach is not a subject matter expert or specialist in your particular field, nor do they need to be in order to help. The client is the expert in their field. The coach can bring out the best in a client because he is an expert in human performance and potential, achievement, motivation, communication, and group and interpersonal dynamics. Another way coaching differs from consulting is that the coach does not perform work on the client’s behalf; instead, a coach helps a client work smarter and focus on doing what the client does best.
The Montgomery College coach training program includes courses over two semesters to allow time for students to practice and integrate the skills they have learned in the courses. The content of the courses is focused on teaching foundational coaching skills and approaches the training process by integrating a 3-fold approach by teaching students: 1) a coaching conversation structure, 2) coaching core competencies, and 3) coaching best practices.
Coaching Certification Program Instructor
Sally Silberman received New York University’s (NYU) Teaching Excellence Award as an Adjunct Assistant Professor. At NYU, she has designed and delivered courses in business management and coaching for 27 years. Sally was also an adjunct instructor for Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) where she designed and delivered NOVA’s Coaching and Management Practices certificate programs. In addition to her work at NYU and NOVA, Sally was the volunteer Director of Training for the OPM government-wide Federal Internal Coach Training Program certification program. She also served as a Mentor Coach for this program.
Sally is a graduate of the Coaches Training Institute and Corporate Coach University. She holds the designation of an International Coach Federation (ICF) Associate Certified Coach (ACC) and Board Certified Coach (BCC). Sally operates a private coaching, training and consulting practice working with new and middle managers as well as executives. She is also a professional coach trainer and qualified mentor coach.
Sally currently works for the Federal government as a senior program analyst with a focus on government contracting, policy development and special projects. She created the administrative infrastructure for two organizations – one within the Department of the Interior and the other within the Department of Commerce - over the last 20 years of public service serving as the Chief Administrative Officer for each.
Prior to her work in the Federal government, Sally was the Vice President of Sales and Marketing for the E-Commerce Division of U. S. Office Products, a supplier of office products and business services, and Director of International Sales at Kimball International, a Fortune 1000 commercial office furniture manufacturer. In addition, she held the role of Program Director for Online Instructional Services for NYU Online as a full-time consultant.
She brings over thirty years of management experience in sales and administration. She is a former member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Sales and Marketing Management Magazine and Competitive Advantage. She has published articles in HR Briefing, Employee Relations Bulletin, Career Confidential, Strategic Sales Management and Professional Selling and was a Contributing Editor for Sales and Marketing Management Magazine.
Sally is certified to administer the DISC, MBTI and EQ-i 2.0 assessments. She received her Bachelor of Science from Indiana University and her MBA from Capella University