Job/Career Search Resources for Montgomery County Residents

Job and Career Search Resources
Montgomery College Resources
MC’s Career and Employment Services
MC offers a range of services to students, alumni, and community members to support their career planning process and job search efforts. Online resources are accessible for educational options, job outlook projections, and job search resources.
Welcome to Career Coachnew window
An information search tool specific to Montgomery County and the surrounding localities of the Washington metro area
Use the Career Explorer tool to see salary ranges and employment data, and plan the path to your career success.
Career Cruising websitenew window
An interactive career exploration program to help with career decision making; begin with assessments, then learn about career options, occupations, academic majors, job outlook and training. To login, request the Username and Password.
Job search and resume services that provide access to part-time / full time jobs, internships, and on-campus employment.
WDCE Career and Employment for 50+ Learners
Courses and career resources for the lifelong learner.
Educational Opportunity Center
Sponsored by the TRIO grant, the purpose of EOC is to provide assistance to individuals who plan to enter or re-enter college.
Ferguson’s Career Guidance Centernew window
Available from MC Library web page: career assessment, job profiles, workplace skills, career and industry resources.
Career Development course, must be admitted to the College to take this course, STSU120 (2 credit course).
Montgomery County Resources
www.worksourcemontgomery.comnew window
Montgomery County’s One-stop American Job Center provides job seeker services for all populations including adults, youth, veterans, and for the 50+. Job readiness workshops and training; and employer recruitment at two locations in Wheaton and Germantown. window
Use of computers to create a resume, search for jobs, and develop skills. All the branches have public computers with Internet access and Microsoft Office applications, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. See Library policies for computer usenew window. window
Charles W. Gilchrist Center: Montgomery County’s welcome centers that connect diverse communities with a multitude of economic and educational resources. Locations in Gaithersburg, Germantown, Silver Spring and Wheaton. window
Provides volunteer resources and opportunities within Montgomery County including for students and seniors. Information is also available for non-profits and government.
State of Maryland Resources window
Job resources including state jobs, internships, licensing, career centers, and employee rights. window
A good resource for job seekers. window
Provides job development and employment information. DLLR recently published a “Hot Jobs Now” brochure with top occupations in Maryland classified by types of educational degrees: (PDF, ) window
Individualized service located in Columbia, MD offers career guidance, internet access, free faxing and copying, and a library of resource materials new window
Information on resources and services for Marylanders with Disabilities.
National and Federal Government Resources window
Offers career planning information including self-assessments, links to other career sites, industry specific information, and professional development. window
Sponsored by the US Dept. of Labor. Easy-to-use database, accessible from any web
browser, that contains comprehensive information on job requirements and worker competencies.
https://online.onetcenter.orgnew window: The Occupational Information Network provides career exploration, assessment instruments for career planning, and career transition tools. window : O*Net Profiler - The self-assessment and career exploration tool for learning about relevant occupations and discovering activities that apply to the world of work window
Offers workforce tools, strategies, and technical assistance. Includes information
for veterans, older worker, skilled tradesman, apprenticeships, and more. window
Sponsored by the US Dept. of Labor. Provides career match and options; skills for
any occupation; resources for education and training; and job search and salary information.
Uses a range of resources including videos of real-life employees. Offers career assessments,
information on training programs, career changes, entry level workers, older workers,
workers with disabilities, veterans, and more. window
Official hiring site of the US Federal Government. Offers many different hiring paths including for students, recent graduates, personal with disabilities, and family of federal employees. Positions at all levels and locations are posted through this site. window
US Department of Labor premier resource for career information, provides alpha and industry search tools for all U.S occupations. Provides data on specific careers to include earnings, work conditions, required training, and employment outlook.
https://www.bls.govnew window
OOQ -The print and online quarterly publication features articles with practical information on careers and job search:
New and emerging occupations, training opportunities, salary trends, and ongoing research by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
www.myskillsmyfuture.orgnew window
Focuses on career options provided through experience, previous jobs/internships, and volunteering.
www.mynextmove.orgnew window
An interactive tool to match interests with over 900 occupations, provides search by industry, and use of O*NET Interest Profiler to explore suggested careers.
www.miproximopaso.orgnew window: For Spanish speaking career explorers and job seekers.
Other Resources window
Professional network. Offers a career center, job searching, training courses, and
salary information.
indeed.comnew window
Job search site that also offers a career guide, information on employers, and salaries.
https://www.glassdoor.comnew window
Job searching, company reviews and salary disclosures from anonymous employees, and
interview preparation. window
A career and job search guide that provides information on job search, industries, salaries, career transition, and resources for education and training.
https://idealistcareers.orgnew window
A premier resource for career planning and job search in the non-profit sector including step-by- step strategies, tips, and articles on coping with the different stages of the career and job search process.
www.LiveCareers.comnew window
A one-stop source for career tools and job search tips. Especially great for information on networking. window
Organization is well known for career advice and job search for college students and recent graduates.
www.bestjobsusa.comnew window
Information on best employers and those currently hiring, as well as career paths for job seekers. window
Serving Maryland, DC and Virginia to assist people with special needs to gain competitive employment. window
An independent consulting and referral service that provides Supported Employment Services (SES); Job coaching; job placement; transition services; and vocational rehabilitation. window
The latest from WikiJob. Aptitude Tests, Career Advice, Job Competencies, Interview questions and much more.