Office of Planning and Policy

We support the Mission of Montgomery College by leading the implementation, monitoring and assessment of the strategic plan as well as maintaining accurate and effective policies and procedures that reflect and advance the strategic objectives and mission of the College.
We do this by:
Leading the collegewide development and implementation of the strategic plan.
Educating the college community about the content, goals, and timelines expressed in the strategic plan.
Developing and facilitating methods to monitor and assess strategic plan progress.
Supporting the alignment and integration of other plans at the College with the strategic plan.
Developing and composing periodic and annual reports on the College’s progress toward achieving the outcomes of the strategic plan.
Overseeing the periodic review of policies and procedures.
Coordinating the development, maintenance, and as-needed modification of College policies and procedures.
Collaborating with members of the College community to draft modifications of existing policies and procedures and to develop new ones as needed.
Ensuring the College community is involved in and informed about changes to the College’s policies and procedures.