United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Open Pedagogy Fellowship
Open educational resources (OERs) increase access to education and empower students
in the learning process. Open pedagogy–a component of OERs–places the student at the
center of that learning process in a more engaging, collaborative learning environment
in order to achieve social justice in the community. Montgomery College is fully committed
to social justice as evidenced by the Academic Master Plan and the Middle States Re-accreditation
Self Study. Also see the Academic Affairs Initiatives and Division Goals (PDF, ) .
This Open Pedagogy Fellowship sponsored by ELITE is designed to assist faculty with creating three renewable assignments (all of which will have a Creative Commons license).
Saying that it’s time for open educational resources (OER) is almost a truism in higher education. The percentage of faculty across all sectors of U.S. higher education who say they use OER for their introductory classes increased from 6% in 2017 to 22% in 2022. At the recent AACC Annual, multiple sessions focused on OER, and speakers in other sessions referred to OER as easily as guided pathways and strategic planning. This publication last year featured an article entitled Time for OER. Read full article on The Future of Open Educational Resourcesnew window.
Art professor Cristin Cash used her UN SDG Open Pedagogy Faculty Fellowship experience
to create a student project titled Portraits of Power: Women Leaders in African Art (PDF, ) . Students studied “female leadership in contemporary African society and the way
images communicate or miscommunicate messages about their subjects.” This article,
written by Liz Melanson with the layout by Katie Hubley, was published in ArtBeat,
the newsletter from Visual, Performing and Media Arts.

The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Networknew window (SDSN) was set up in 2012 under the auspices of the UN Secretary-General. SDSN mobilizes global scientific and technological expertise to promote practical solutions for sustainable development, including the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement. SDSN works closely with United Nations agencies, multilateral financing institutions, the private sector, and civil society.
SDSN is guided by a Leadership Council, which brings together global sustainable development leaders from all regions and all sectors, including civil society, public, and private sectors. The Leadership Council acts as the board of SDSN. Much of SDSN’s work is led by National or Regional SDSNs, which mobilize knowledge institutions around the SDGs. SDSNresearch & policy work mobilizes experts from around the world on the technical challenges of implementing the SDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement. The SDG Academy leads the education work of the SDSN.
Montgomery College is a member of SDSN.
Kwantlen Polytechnic Universitynew window

For more than 40 years, Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) has provided students with the skills they need for the careers they want. We offer a range of degree, diploma, certificate, and citation programs with opportunities for hands-on experience and experiential learning. Why stop at theory when you can also harness the power of experience? Launch your career and make a positive impact on your community with experiential learning at KPU: where thought meets action.
Maricopa Community Collegesnew window

Maricopa Community Colleges’ nationally recognized programs help more than 100,000 students each year achieve their goals. Our 10 accredited colleges offer a diverse range of programs at convenient locations across the Valley, but our goal is the same – your success.
Pima Community Collegenew window

Pima Community College is a comprehensive two-year institution serving students and employers throughout Pima County in Arizona and beyond. Students have access to a broad range of high quality programs that prepare them with the skills needed by today’s employers and to transfer successfully into four-year programs. Students benefit from Pima’s lower tuition costs and thrive at the highest levels once they transfer.
Langara Collegenew window

Located in beautiful Vancouver, BC, Canada, Langara College started in 1965 as part of Vancouver Community College and in 1970, it opened its West 49th Avenue campus. On April 1, 1994, Langara College was established as an independent public college under the Provincial College and Institute Act. The College is also known as snəw̓eyəɬ leləm̓, house of teachings, a name given to us by the Musqueam First Nation, on whose unceded traditional territory we are located.
Thompson Rivers Universitynew window

At Thompson Rivers University, student success is our priority. We empower our students to reach their goals with flexible learning options, individualized student services, hands-on learning opportunities, and a diverse, inclusive environment.

BINUS UNIVERSITY as an educations institution has shown its continuous commitment to be the best in delivering quality education that is relevant to industry needs. In order to achieve international quality standard, we continuously make our best effort to provide students with an excellent learning process, up to date course materials, and professional human resources to deliver knowledge and skill. Additionally, we apply the students-centered learning method, develop internationally recognized curricula with our industrial and international partners, and always measure and improve our quality as required by ISO 9001:2000 (since 1997).
Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatranew window

Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra, abbreviated as UMSU, is a business charity under the Muhammadiyah organization which is based on Islam and is based on the Al-Qur'an and Sunnah which was founded in Medan on February 27, 1957 based in the city of Medan, North Sumatra Province. Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra, was founded on the initiative of several Muhammadiyah clerics, including HM Bustami Ibrahim, D. Diyar Karim, Rustam Thayib, M. Nur Haitami, Kadiruddin Pasaribu, Dr. Darwis Datuk Batu Besar, H. Syaiful UA, Abdul Mu'thi and Baharuddin Latif.
Nova Scotia Community Collegenew window

Nova Scotia Community College is transforming our province. Through our network of 14 campuses, we provide Nova Scotians with inclusive and flexible access to education and the specialized, industry-driven training essential for today and tomorrow’s workforce. We believe the future lies in the power of learning, which is why we care about the success of every student – in education, in career and in life. We commit to opening pathways and providing equitable opportunities for students to engage fully in our programs and services.. We are intentional in our efforts to build diversity as a core strength. We recognize diversity of knowledge, worldview and experience as an asset and a key driver of success in advancing innovation, creativity and excellence.
Douglas Collegenew window

Founded in 1970, Douglas College is the largest degree-granting college in British Columbia, Canada, educating close to 25,000 students per year. The College has two major campuses in Metro Vancouver (New Westminster and Coquitlam) as well as several smaller training centres in Surrey, Burnaby and Maple Ridge. With both main campuses directly on SkyTrain lines, Douglas is one of the most accessible post-secondary institutions in Metro Vancouver, drawing students from across the region.
The College of Southern Nevadanew window

Since 1971, the College of Southern Nevada has grown to become a leading education institution being the 5th largest college of its type in the country. CSN being a single college, multi-campus community college with 4 main campuses in Nevada, Cheyenne, Charleston, Henderson, and Mesquite as well multiple sites and centers across the Las Vegas valley. At CSN, we put our students first and encourage everyone to become a better version of themselves.
As the largest and most ethnically diverse college in Nevada, CSN made it a priority to provide an affordable, collaborative, and welcoming environment that allows all students to shine. CSN is a fully accredited institution offering hundreds of degrees and certificates in 70 academic programs—with 26 degrees and certificates available entirely online.
University of Central Floridanew window

The University of Central Florida (UCF) is a metropolitan research university built to make a better future for our students and society. We solve tomorrow’s greatest challenges through a commitment to academic, inclusive and operational excellence. Leveraging innovative learning, discovery and partnerships, we foster social mobility while developing the skilled talent needed to advance industry for our region, state and beyond.
Founded in 1963 to provide talent for Central Florida and the growing U.S. space program, UCF has been making an impact on the state, the nation — and outer space — ever since. With 13 colleges and more than 240 degree programs, follow your passion at one of our campus locations designed to help you succeed.
Norquest Collegenew window

With the strength of a NorQuest College education, our learners have the skills and confidence to further their studies, begin new careers, provide better lives for their families, and make valuable contributions to society.
At NorQuest, we have a unique ability to provide students with the skills Alberta needs in a supportive and inclusive environment. And with input from industry, business, and the public sector, we make learning relevant and rewarding.
Salt Lake Community Collegenew window

Salt Lake Community College serves nearly 50,000 students across 8 campuses and with online classes, and hosts the most diverse student body in the state of Utah. All ages. Many interests. Flexible scheduling. With an exceptional range of academic and career-oriented options.
A superb faculty—and a faculty-to-student ratio of 1:19—means our students get personal attention from exceptional academic and vocational professionals.
Yavapai Collegenew window

Yavapai College serves its students and the community at six locations, offering dozens of degrees and certificates that can lead to well-paying and fulfilling careers. Yavapai College enriches our community by providing accessible, quality workforce, transfer, lifelong, and cultural learning opportunities.
Imagine leaving a conference with a colleague, brainstorming an idea for an open pedagogy project at your institution, and in 4 years time it has spread to a collaboration spanning multiple institutions and international borders that generates student led projects where they become agents of change in their own communities.
Visit the OE Global website to view podcastnew window.

Montgomery College has been recognized by the Open Education Global consortium (OE Global) for its United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Open Pedagogy Fellowship.
The College was named by the international consortium the winner in the Open Pedagogy category of the 2020 Open Education Awards for Excellence. The fellowship allows faculty to learn more about open pedagogy and how to create open assignments linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
According to OE Global, the award is for "an innovative open teaching practice that incorporates openness in several levels of the learning processes. Engaging not only in the production, use and reuse of content but also promoting effective open teaching practices."
At the time of the award, the College had offered the fellowship for three years. This year Montgomery College faculty partnered with faculty from Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Vancouver, Canada, and the Maricopa Community Colleges system in Arizona.
OE Global is a global, non-profit organization supporting the development and use of open education around the world.
More information about the award can be found at Open Education Awards for Excellence website.
David Wiley defines renewable assignments as those assignments students complete that add value to their world.
David Wiley defines disposable assignments as those that students are likely to throw away once they have been graded. The conceptual framework on which this fellowship is based are the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are a set of 17 goals that address a wide range of social issues. The SDGs are designed to achieve and maintain social justice.
Renewable assignments provide students with authentic and engaging opportunities to contribute to the world. Students can become creators of information rather than solely consumers of information, so renewable assignments provide a platform for experiential learning that adds value to the world as well as the students’ learning experience.
Open educational resources (OER) increase equitable access to education and empower students in the learning process. Open pedagogy – an approach to teaching and learning that draws on OER - places the student at the center of that learning process in a more engaging, authentic, and collaborative learning environment in order to achieve social justice in the community. Montgomery College (MC) (Maryland), Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) (Canada), Maricopa Community Colleges (Arizona), Pima Community College (Arizona), Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) (Maryland), Thompson Rivers University (Canada), and Langara College (Canada) are committed to supporting social justice through this international partnership in which faculty can work across institutions to maximize global impact. More than 10 institutional partners around the world are committed to supporting social justice through this international partnership in which faculty work in cross-institutional, interdisciplinary teams to maximize global impact.
This global award-winning fellowship provides faculty with an opportunity to work with their colleagues and students to impact change via open pedagogy and community engagement. The conceptual framework on which this fellowship is based is the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), which is a set of 17 goals that address a wide range of social issues, such as poverty, inequality, climate change, and peace and justice. The SDGs are designed to achieve and maintain social justice and a sustainable future, with a target of the year 2030 set for the attainment of each goal.
This fellowship is designed to assist faculty with creating renewable assignments (all of which will carry a Creative Commons license) to help students become agents of change in their own communities. Each fellowship team will design three renewable assignments in the Summer. A minimum of two renewable assignments will be deployed in the classes of each fellowship team during Fall. Faculty will be expected to present on their proposed assignments prior to their deployment. A student showcase will take place during Spring in which a select number of students will present on how they improved their communities and achieved global justice through open pedagogy using the UN SDG framework. Fellowship teams must include 2 to 3 instructors from different disciplines and different institutions so as to maximize student impact. It is anticipated that 10 teams will be selected. Each MC faculty fellow will receive 1 ESH in the summer to participate.
We are holding information sessions to help you understand the scope and objectives of this summer fellowship. We will also share examples of interdisciplinary, cross-institutional renewable assignments targeting UN SDGs. The virtual information sessions will be held on:
- Tuesday, March 4, 2:00-3:00 p.m. (Register for Info Sessionnew window)
Visit the Montgomery College M.O.S.T Commons Hubnew window to view student assignments.
- Open Educational Resources: Open Pedagogy Examplesnew window
- Open Pedagogy Examplesnew window
- Assignments Banknew window
- Comparing and Contrasting Recycling Practices (PDF,
- Photo Journal of Local Recycling Practices (PDF,
- Blankets for Babies (PDF,
- Dentists On the Go (PDF,
- Marine Waste Solutions (PDF,
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- Apparel Industry Pollution (PDF,
- Fast Fashion - Crop to Trash (PDF,
- Human Rights Violations in Fashion Industry (PDF,
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG) Open Pedagogy Fellowship Toolkitnew window is meant as a resource for both instructors and institutions. Within this resource, readers will find examples of a wide variety of openly-licensed renewable assignments that can be assigned and applied to a variety of subject areas and disciplines. Of course, each assignment speaks directly to at least one UN SDG. Beyond that, this resource also serves as a guide for institutions who wish to adopt and adapt this program by bringing it to their home institution.