Professional Development Alignment
Please view the list below and see which category(s) aligns with your workshop. If you need more clarification on each of these initiatives, please view the PDF.
- Goal I: Empower Students to Start Smart and Succeed
- Goal II: Enhance Transformational Teaching Practices and Learning Environments
- Goal III: Fuel the Economy and Drive Economic Mobility
- Goal IV: Build, Engage, and Strengthen Community Partnerships
- Goal V: Invest in Our Employees
- Goal VI: Protect Affordability

- THINK: Use qualitative and quantitative information to make informed decisions that
promote student success and ensure academic excellence.
- Strategy 1: Identify and implement agile software system(s) that provide real-time, easily accessible data for use by students, faculty, staff, and administrators.
- Strategy 2: Identify and implement comprehensive student success applications that facilitate and advance scheduling, planning, and recognition for progress and excellence.
- COMMUNICATE: Initiate, deepen, or expand conversations with internal and external
partners to help students succeed.
- Strategy 1: Institutionalize a support structure to provide assistance, training, and modeling for advisory groups to increase their effectiveness and to establish a system of accountability.
- Strategy 2: Establish a Developmental Studies Roundtable which includes faculty representatives from English, reading, and math, the leadership of which rotates on an annual basis among disciplines.
- CREATE: Foster and celebrate innovation at all levels of the institution.
- Strategy 1: Collaborate with MC Innovation Works to teach principles and strategies for innovation, to facilitate implementation, and to identify and address systemic barriers to innovation.
- Strategy 2: Enhance pathways, processes, opportunities, and incentives to innovate and to scale innovations.
- Strategy 3: Identify and work synergistically with partner institutions on academic innovation.
- ENGAGE: Interact with students beyond the classroom, individually and in small groups,
support academic success.- Strategy 1: Collaborate with Student Affairs to support and expand existing mentoring programs, create new ones, and provide a mechanism for the distribution of resources, coordination of efforts, and a clearinghouse to share and discuss effective methods and strategies.
- Strategy 2: Create an electronic discussion forum to collect, discuss, test, and disseminate “micro-intervention” techniques. Provide incentives for faculty and staff participation.
- CONNECT: Embrace integrative learning through interdisciplinary and collaboration
among disciplines, programs, and faculty.
- Strategy 1: Validate and support current “across the disciplines” programs, such as Writing in the Disciplines, Quantitative Reasoning in the Disciplines, and others, and add additional interdisciplinary projects as appropriate including credit and non-credit curricula. (Additional projects might include a statistics network, global/ international education, or innovations in health care education.)
- Strategy 2: Create a clearinghouse for modular high-impact, low-stress collaborations among faculty from different disciplines to share assignments, lectures, pedagogical practices, and expertise.
- Strategy 3: Implement a portfolio system that recognizes, tracks, and validates student participation in academic programs and co-curricular activities.
- GROW: Offer meaningful professional development for all employees by embracing broadened
perspectives in scholarship.
- Strategy 1: Develop a focused professional development pathway for faculty and instructional staff to enhance their pedagogical practices in light of new outcomes for courses that teach essential skills alongside discipline content.
- Strategy 2: Create professional development opportunities for faculty and instructional staff to develop and enhance currency in discipline content, scholarship, pedagogy, and workforce alignment.
- Strategy 3: Provide relevant professional development opportunities for all academic support staff in the Academic Affairs division.
- ACHIEVE: Foster a culture of empowerment and accountability whereby all employees
in the Academic Affairs unit have both agency and responsibility to make positive
changes for students.
- Strategy 1: Review curriculum approval processes to improve efficiency and responsiveness.
- Strategy 2: Revise faculty evaluation process to reflect institutional goals, our new organizational structure, and the dynamic role of 21st century faculty.
- Initiative 1: Embed Classroom Support
- Initiative 2: Offer Alternative Scheduling and Delivery
- Initiative 3: Implement Alternative and Customized Assessment and Placement
- Initiative 4: Design Alternative and Customized Credentials and Guided Pathways
- Initiative 5: Enhance Student Pathways from MCPS and to USG
- Initiative 6: Expand Global Partnerships and International Opportunities
- Initiative 1: Pre-admission outreach and onboarding processes
- Strategy A: Develop a strategic enrollment management plan
- Strategy B: Realign Access and Enrollment
- Strategy C: Online forms to reduce wait time
- Strategy D: Cross-training for Recruitment and Information Services
- Initiatives 2: Preparation for assessment
- Strategy A: Assessment process to facilitate registration
- Initiative 3: Orientation for first-year students
- Strategy A: Reorganize orientation for first-year students
- Strategy B: Revised Student Code of Conduct
- Initiative 4: Counseling and Advising
- Strategy A: Mandatory advising and assigned counselors
- Initiative 5: Mentoring and Retention
- Strategy A: Establish a Collegewide mentoring network to support student retention
- Strategy B: Student health and wellness center for success
- Strategy C: Scholarships to promote retention
- Strategy D: Implementation of ACES 5-year strategic plan
- Strategy E: Financial aid academic progress coaching
- Strategy F: Change in athletic division status
- Strategy G: Develop a Montgomery College residential program
- Initiative 6: Division-wide Assessment
- Strategy A: Data-informed Student Affairs evaluation and planning
Student Affairs Master Plan (PDF, )
- Leadership and Vision
- Data and Technology
- Equity
- Teaching and Learning
- Engagement and Communication
- Strategy and Planning
- Policies and Practices

- Goal One: Improve persistence, retention, and completion/graduation/transfer of all students, particularly African American male and Latinx students.
- Goal Two: Improve employee recruitment, hiring, on- boarding, development, and training procedures and practices to attract and retain a diverse workforce that includes leaders, managers, faculty, and staff reflective of College’s diverse student population.
- Goal Three: Foster college culture of equity, inclusion, civility, accessibility, kindness, trust, and respect for human dignity through targeted programs, activities, and educational opportunities.
- Goal Four: Integrate relevant and equitable multicultural teaching practices that infuse international/multicultural awareness into the educational experience, classrooms, and curriculum.
- Goal Five: Support diversity and inclusion in our staff, students, community, and business populations. Provide increased opportunities for the College's communities to foster equity and economic empowerment.
Equity and Inclusion Roadmap for Success 2020-2025: Equity and Inclusion Goals, Philosophy,
and Purpose (PDF, )