
In MC’s philosophy courses, you will hone your critical thinking and reasoning skills, improve your writing, and learn how to effectively understand, evaluate, and construct arguments. You will also be given the opportunity to engage meaningfully and rationally with contemporary moral problems. The skills you gain with your philosophy training are transferable to other academic disciplines and additional endeavors in your life. Philosophy majors perform better than other majors on exams such as the LSAT, GMAT, and GRE. Some business leaders think that a philosophy degree will be the indispensable degree for the 21st Centurynew window.
Why Study Philosophy?
The ancient Greek word philosophia means "love of wisdom.” Classes in philosophy explore the large questions surrounding our existence, develop orderly thinking, and prepare you for many professions.
By learning to view arguments from multiple perspectives, you can gain understanding of other people's views—even if you do not agree with them. Your reasoning and reflection skills will help you better understand and deconstruct complex problems, a key skill not just in effective communication, but in life.
Philosophy training lays a solid academic foundation for numerous majors. Most philosophy courses transfer to other colleges and universities. Please consult an advisor for additional information.
Philosophy Courses
All students should consult an advisor. Most courses have either assessment levels that must be met or prerequisites (courses that must be taken first). Part-time students and those who need to meet assessment levels or take prerequisite courses will take longer to complete a degree. An advisor will help make sure you are taking your courses in the right order.
All degree-seeking students must take a central group of General Education courses in English, mathematics, arts, behavioral and social sciences, humanities, and science. A full list of philosophy courses is found below.
Program Opportunities
MC does not offer a degree or certificate in philosophy, though the courses fulfill humanities requirements for the General Studies Humanities, Arts, Communication and Languages Core (HACL) and humanities distribution requirements for the General Education Program. In addition, PHIL 143: Introduction to the Study of Religion, fulfills the global/cultural perspectives requirement.
Students planning to transfer to a four-year institution in this major should follow the general studies AA degree - the choice depends on which degree most closely aligns with a transfer school’s lower level requirements. Visit each school’s site to see the recommended freshman & sophomore course sequence for this major. Check requirements at each school carefully to avoid duplication – for example, at some schools, some MC courses are considered “upper-level” and the MC course may not fulfill an upper-level requirement. If undecided, choose common courses from several schools.
Related Programs and Courses
You might be interested in the philosophy option under the Humanities, Arts, Communication and Languages Core in General Studies, which allows students to begin their studies in the following areas: English, film, history, linguistics, philosophy, women’s and gender studies, and world languages.
Find out more about Workforce Development and Continuing Education's history and current events courses.