The Raptor Review
About Us

The Raptor Review is an online, campus-based journal of academic writing and research that features student papers from all disciplines across Montgomery College. The journal features original, research-based essays from current Montgomery College students.
Our Mission
Our main goal is to provide students with an opportunity to publish their academic
writing and research in a medium that expands beyond the college. As content creators,
students will contribute their knowledge to The Raptor Review, which will also allow
the college to recognize their individual achievement. Additionally, it will enhance
education and student growth and offer students another opportunity to be recognized
for their work beyond the classroom.
Submission Guidelines
Currently, submissions were accepted for a special edition to publish in March 2022. Below are the requirements students must meet:
- 1,000-3,000 words
- Scholarly/academic research or analysis
- No creative writing
- Academic integrity statement
- Original work or work submitted for classes (can be revised)
- APA, MLA, or Chicago Style Guide
- Issue No. 1 (PDF,
) , Fall 2021/Spring 2022