Performing Arts Department

March 26, 7 p.m. via Zoom
Explore the vibrant world of Montgomery College's Visual, Performance, and Media Arts.
Learn about degrees and certificate programs at a Virtual Open House featuring faculty
and alums.
Register Today!new window
Our Dance, Music, and Theatre Programs
Our programs at Montgomery College aim to introduce, educate, and involve a culturally diverse student population to the broadest possible range of dance, music, and theatrical experiences. Our students are encouraged to create free and honest interpersonal and professional collaborations, while challenging existing traditions and expectations of the individual, the college community, and the larger community.
We empower students to develop a personal understanding of dance, music, and theatre as areas that transcend cultural boundaries, while simultaneously challenging them through an intellectually invigorating and rigorous environment. We encourage students to celebrate and challenge their passions while adhering to professional standards.
Our students will develop skills requisite to entering the professional world, be provided enrichment opportunities for participation in their community, and cultivate passionate, positive respect for personal discovery and vision for the changing community and the world.
Why Study Performing Arts?
Business leaders want to hire our alums! Why? There are so many practical and soft skills you will learn here! Our art forms deal with human nature, self-awareness, self-expression, and a desire to perfect and master your skills through initiative, discipline and ingenuity.
Here are just a few of the skills you can learn with us:
- Budgeting
- Carpentry
- Creative Thinking
- Creative Problem Solving
- Design Basics
- Empathy
- Improvisation
- Interpersonal and Communication
- Leadership
- Organization
- Public Speaking
- Self-Analysis
- Sound Engineering
- Teamwork
- Classic Analysis
- Collaboration
- Courage
- Focus
- Historical Analysis
- Initiative
- Memorization
- Mindfulness
- Psychology
- Resilience
- Respect
- Self-Confidence
- Self-Discipline
- Time Management
- World Literature Analysis
But don’t take our word for it - read more here:
Why you Should Consider Hiring a Theatre Major (article from LinkedIn)new window
Want Smarter Kids, Teach Music, not Coding (article from MIT)new window
The Dancing Brain (article from Harvard)new window
Courses by Subject
- DANC 100 - Introduction to Dance
- DANC 101 - Ballet I
- DANC 102 - Ballet II
- DANC 103 - Modern Dance I
- DANC 104 - Modern Dance II
- DANC 105 - Jazz Dance I
- DANC 106 - Jazz Dance II
- DANC 107 - Tap Dance I
- DANC 201 - Ballet III
- DANC 203 - Modern Dance III
- DANC 204 - Modern Dance IV
- DANC 205 - Jazz Dance III
- DANC 270 - Special Topics in Dance
- DANC 280 - Special Dance Practicum
- MUSC 110 - Listening to Music
- MUSC 117 - World Music
- MUSC 125 - History of Jazz
- MUSC 131 - American Popular Music
- MUSC 137 - Class Voice
- MUSC 138 - Class Guitar I
- MUSC 141 - Class Piano
- MUSC 142 - Class Piano
- MUSC 145 - Applied Music Elective
- MUSC 146 - Applied Music Elective
- MUSC 147 - Applied Music
- MUSC 148 - Applied Music
- MUSC 150 - Applied Music Laboratory
- MUSC 161 - Series-Small Ensembles
- MUSC 163 - College Chorus
- MUSC 166 - College Orchestra
- MUSC 170 - Chamber Singers
- MUSC 172 - College Band - Wind Ensemble
- MUSC 174 - Introduction to Music Technology
- MUSC 178 - Advanced Applications in Music Technology
- MUSC 181 - Musical Recording Techniques
- MUSC 184 - Introduction to Music Theory
- MUSC 188 - Performing Arts Production
- MUSC 190 - Music Theory I
- MUSC 191 - Music Theory II
- MUSC 194 - Ear Training and Sightsinging I
- MUSC 195 - Ear Training and Sightsinging II
- MUSC 196 - Jazz Improvisation
- MUSC 199 - Class Guitar II
- MUSC 215 - Applied Music
- MUSC 216 - Applied Music
- MUSC 233 - Music Theory III
- MUSC 234 - Music Theory IV
- MUSC 237 - Ear Training and Sightsinging III
- MUSC 238 - Ear Training and Sightsinging IV
- MUSC 245 - Advanced Applied Music
- MUSC 246 - Advanced Applied Music
- MUSC 285 - Music Internship
- THET 100 - Introduction to the Theatre
- THET 110 - Fundamentals of Acting
- THET 114 - Stagecraft I
- THET 118 - Theatrical Makeup Techniques
- THET 122 - Performance Production
- THET 125 - Script Analysis
- THET 188 - Performing Arts Production
- THET 201 - Intermediate Acting
- THET 205 - Movement for the Performer
- THET 208 - Drafting/Painting for the Performing Arts
- THET 216 - Stage Lighting for the Performing Arts
- THET 225 - Acting for Film and Television
- THET 230 - Costuming Crafts for the Performing Arts
- THET 237 - Fundamentals of Play Directing
- THET 288 - Performing Arts Production
- THET 295 - Theatre Internship
Performances and Auditions
Student Resources
- World Music and World Ensemble
- Summer Dinner Theatre
- Parilla Performing Arts Centernew window
- Cultural Arts Centernew window
Noncredit Courses and Training
Community Arts
Community Arts provides noncredit classes for professional and aspiring artists, taught by working artists. We build our schedule based on community needs and interests, so we'd love to hear from you!
Maryland Band Directors Band
Montgomery College, in collaboration with the Montgomery County Public Schools, offers this course to music teachers to support professional growth aligned with MCPS curricular objectives for instrumental music. Find out more about the Maryland Band Directors Band.