Police Brutality: An Analysis of Institutionalized Racism in the United States Criminal Justice System

Student Illustrator: Sarah Yaftali
Student Author: Madison Oswald
Police brutality has become a prominent feature of society in the United States; many have estimated the US to have the highest police brutality rate in the entire world. The past decade has brought about the resurgence of white supremacist and anti-Semitic groups promoting the oppression and marginalization of African Americans, helping to keep the routine violence against African Americans a defining feature of the American Criminal Justice System. As tensions between blacks and whites in America continue to rise due to the overwhelming presence of institutionalized racism and police brutality, researchers have taken on the task to find ways America could make amends. The growing divide between police and society is having detrimental effects on the wellbeing of society and something must be done.
This is part of the 2021 Annual Poster Session, a collaboration between the Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice Department and the Media Arts and Technologies Department, featuring work by social science and illustration students.