Mask Advocates Unite: An Analysis on Anti-Maskers

Student Illustrator: Alice Umoh
Student Author: Rishi Torres Cruz
This paper analyses an article that describes the social situation that mask advocates were growing tired of anti-maskers and encouraging the government to get involved with the issue of mask wearing. With the absence of the government on the issue, mask supporters are required to rely on local government to release mandates. Mask wearers are working silently with this issue by writing letters to local newspapers, posting on social media etc. to encourage state and local officials to require people to wear masks when outside their home. The conflict between mask supporters and anti-maskers has made it extremely hard for anti-maskers to accept and conform to cultural change since there a minimal amount of social control from other people and the system (president, police force, and local officials).
This is part of the 2021 Annual Poster Session, a collaboration between the Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice Department and the Media Arts and Technologies Department, featuring work by social science and illustration students.