Chemical and Biological Sciences Department
As a department, we are here to help you navigate all of the exciting topics and advances in chemistry and biology. We offer a diverse array of courses, including majors and non-majors courses ranging from Cell and Molecular Biology, Microbiology and Genetics, to Anatomy and Physiology, Ecology, and Environmental Biology. Most courses are complemented by laboratory sections to allow you the time for hands-on experience with the organisms or concepts studied in lecture.
Throughout all of our courses, instructors emphasize the use of critical thinking and application of knowledge to assist you in your future academic and life goals. Our courses are transferable to many four-year institutions as general education or major classes, and professional degree programs such as nursing, pharmacy, and radiology.
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Biology Advising
Decide on classes for future semesters, SAPC, transfer, graduation, etc.
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- Schedule Appointment with a Program Advisornew window
Chemistry Advising
Decide on classes for future semesters, SAPC, transfer, graduation, etc.
Health Professions Advising
Are you interested in becoming a doctor, dentist, physical therapist, physician's assistant, pharmacist, a veterinarian, dietician or nutritionist? Plan out the next steps in your health professions career. Visit Health Professions Advising and Transfer.
Interested in Biotechnology?
Meet Our Faculty and Staff
Degrees and Certificates
Courses by Subject
- BIOL 101 - General Biology
- BIOL 105 - Environmental Biology
- BIOL 106 - Environmental Biology Laboratory
- BIOL 114 - Understanding Viruses
- BIOL 130 - The Human Body
- BIOL 131 - The Human Body Laboratory
- BIOL 136 - Introduction to the Biology of Human Reproduction
- BIOL 150 - Principles of Biology I
- BIOL 151 - Principles of Biology II
- BIOL 202 - Interdisciplinary Bioinformatics-An Introduction
- BIOL 210 - Microbiology
- BIOL 212 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I
- BIOL 213 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II
- BIOL 217 - Ecology
- BIOL 222 - Principles of Genetics
- BIOL 226 - Nutrition
- BIOL 228 - Pathophysiology
- BIOL 230 - Molecular Cell Biology
- BIOL 252 - Principles of Biology III
- CHEM 031 - Principles of Chemistry I Exploration
- CHEM 099 - Introductory Chemistry
- CHEM 105 - Chemistry and Society
- CHEM 106 - Chemistry and Society Laboratory
- CHEM 131 - Principles of Chemistry I
- CHEM 132 - Principles of Chemistry II
- CHEM 135 - General Chemistry for Engineers
- CHEM 150 - Essentials of Organic and Biochemistry
- CHEM 203 - Organic Chemistry I
- CHEM 204 - Organic Chemistry II
- CHEM 272 - Bioanalytical Laboratory
Student Resources
The Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP)new window is a free summer enrichment program focused on improving access to information and resources for college students interested in the health professions.
Earning a degree at MC is the first step on your way to earning a bachelor's degree. A bachelor’s degree is often necessary for competitive jobs and for graduate school. Earning your associate's degree and transferring provides you with a strong educational foundation and saves you money. Learn more about transferring.
Now interested biology students can complete a four-year degree in Biological Sciences while staying in Montgomery County. This new initiative is ideal for students interested in all types of pre-professional biology related programs such as pre-medicine and pre-dentistry. Learn more about this and other transfer opportunitiesnew window.
CHEM131 Placement Guidance
Find out about CHEM131 Placement Guidance.
Noncredit Courses and Training
Find out about WDCE's noncredit Life Sciences and Life Science Leadership Programs. MC offers a wide variety of noncredit classes designed to help you upgrade your skills, pursue career training, or learn something new.