
Below you will find links for the source data for each of the tasks associated with the Transformational Aspirations.
ACCESS Sources
A. Intended Outcome: One hundred percent (100%) of 7th graders had meaningful interactions with the College:
B. Intended Outcome: Families of 7th graders given relevant information about the College:
C. Intended Outcome: Post-secondary participation rate at Montgomery College for each high school in the college service area will exceed 40% in their first year after graduation:
D. Intended Outcome: Fifty percent (50%) of graduating MCPS students will have taken at least one course at Montgomery College by time of high school graduation:
A. Intended Outcome: One hundred percent (100%) of offerings (credit and non-credit) will be mapped to a credential of economic, social, and community impact:
B. Intended Outcome: Fifty percent (50%) completion rate for all student cohorts, regardless of demographic category:
C. Intended Outcome: Increased access and greater affordability relating to four-year credentials:
D. Intended Outcome: Increased civic engagement:
A. Intended Outcome: Increase in percentage of residents earning a family sustaining wage:
- MIT living wage calculator for Montgomery County
Averaged for single adult, no children and two adults, one working with two children - College Scorecard
B. Intended Outcome: Decrease gaps in earnings and poverty amongst different racial and ethnic groups:
C. Intended Outcome: Decrease unemployment and underemployment rates by 50%: